Witches of Halloween

As we are getting closer to Halloween or Samhain (depending on your point of view) , Witches seem to be lost in the myths and fabrications of Halloween. I thought it would be nice to put out some honest and truthful information about Witches. Beliefs of witchcraft and magick have existed around the world since … Continue reading Witches of Halloween

Celebrate Halloween

That special night, Halloween, is creeping up on us.  This is an event everyone is familiar with. Magick and the Supernatural around this time of year aren't anything strange – it’s something we all actively look forward to. You’ll be familiar with the groups of young children who roam our streets hunting for candy and … Continue reading Celebrate Halloween

Follow The Autumnal Wind

We look to the direction of the Wind. Indeed, there is no simpler way to find inspirational direction in the cold of autumn, then to close your eyes and be guided by the direction of the Wind. Below, is a guide to reading the messages of the Wind. 1. The North Wind guides you to … Continue reading Follow The Autumnal Wind