The Venus Flytrap, a Plant That Can Count – The New York Times

Plants That Are Predators – The New York Times

Venus Flytraps Need Protection From Poachers in North Carolina – The New York Times

Animal-Assisted Therapy: Is It Undervalued As An Alternative Treatment?

"A pet is an island of sanity in what appears to be an insane world. Friendship retains its traditional values and securities in one's relationship with one's pet. Whether a dog, cat, bird, fish, turtle or what have you, one can rely on the fact that one's pet will always remain a faithful, intimate, non-competitive … Continue reading Animal-Assisted Therapy: Is It Undervalued As An Alternative Treatment?

How A Dog’s IQ Could Offer Clues To Dementia

Just like people, some dogs take longer to learn new tricks than others. But new research suggests that this should not come as a surprise; a dog's intelligence is structurally comparable to that of humans and can be measured in a similar way. The researchers say dogs' IQ could aid a better understanding of the … Continue reading How A Dog’s IQ Could Offer Clues To Dementia

Therapy Dogs Have Calming Effect On Children Having Cancer Treatment

There are many stories of the positive effect that therapy dogs can have on children with cancer and their families. But until now, there has been little hard scientific evidence to back them up. The study suggests therapy dogs can have a calming effect on young cancer patients. A new trial presents some of the … Continue reading Therapy Dogs Have Calming Effect On Children Having Cancer Treatment

Children With Pets Have Less Stress

A pet dog may protect your child from childhood anxiety, according to research published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dogs follow human communication cues. Childhood mental illness and obesity are significant public health concerns in the US. Since they start in childhood, preventive and early intervention approaches are needed. Pet dogs have … Continue reading Children With Pets Have Less Stress

Sharing A Bed With Your Pet Could Help You Sleep

Do you allow your pet to snuggle up with you in bed? If not, you might want to reconsider; new research finds that, for most people, the presence of a pet in the bedroom could benefit sleep. Letting your four-legged companion sleep on the bed could help you sleep, according to new research. Lead author … Continue reading Sharing A Bed With Your Pet Could Help You Sleep

Tibetan Mastiffs Acquired High-Altitude Variants From Tibet Gray Wolf

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – By interbreeding with local gray wolves, Tibetan Mastiffs acquired gene variants that provided them with adaptations to a highland environment. Tibetan Mastiffs adapted quickly to high altitudes over a short amount of time. They have, for instance, thicker coats and lower hemoglobin levels than low-altitude dogs. But how these adaptations arose … Continue reading Tibetan Mastiffs Acquired High-Altitude Variants From Tibet Gray Wolf

‘Puppy Dog Eyes’ Explained By Science

Scientists have uncovered a fascinating hormonal mechanism behind that heart-melting feeling familiar to dog lovers when they gaze into their dog's famous "puppy dog eyes" stare. The study found the oxytocin loop between dogs and owners to be comparable to that of a mother and their baby. The "man's best friend" tag attached to dogs has … Continue reading ‘Puppy Dog Eyes’ Explained By Science