Rose Petal Infused Honey

We make gallons and gallons of rose and lavender infused honey to use as face masks. We use raw honey from our local beekeeper. You can use this honey for your own face masks or add it to a bath, a little in a cup of tea, or for assistance with wound healing. The rose and honey will nourish your skin and leave it feeling petal soft.

rose-petal-honeyGather rose petals from rose bushes that you are certain have not been sprayed. Flowers should be dust free and as clean as possible and most importantly completely dry. Harvest when the sun has been shining on them long enough to ensure there is not any dew or moisture on the petals. Rose petals are very delicate and break down quickly and can easily mold.

Wilt your rose petals in a thin layer in the bottom of baskets or use an old window screen. Keep them out of direct light and the wind. Depending on the temperature, you can wilt them for several hours or overnight. You don’t want them to become so dry that they look like potpourri.

Meanwhile, let some honey warm up either in a window sill or double boiler. Do not let the honey boil or it will destroy the enzymes and nutrients.

Fill a jar with your rose petals, packing the jar but not too tightly. Pour warm honey over the rose petals making sure to completely cover the plant material. Use a chopstick to get rid of any air bubbles and let it infuse in a warm place for 2 weeks. You can use a windowsill if you make sure to wipe the condensation off the inside of the lid every day. I like a spot that is near a window, but not in direct light or I put it in a warm place outside and move it in at night.

Once done, you can heat your jar up in a double boiler over very low heat until it is thin enough to pour. Pour honey through cheesecloth into a clean jar. Use the spent rose petals in an old sock for the most amazing bath ever or feed it to the chickens. They will thank you for it! Store honey in a cool dry place with lids on tight. Will last for years.

3 thoughts on “Rose Petal Infused Honey

  1. Good morning, thank you for this post, I have an abundance of wild roses in our area and I would love to make rose petal honey with fresh petals but concerned about the moisture in the fresh petals being unsafe for long term storage. Your post is the most information I had seen about how to deal with the moisture but I was hoping you could provide a bit more details. My question for you if you have a moment and can answer for me? 1. if I use gentle heat while infusing the petals – 100f for 8 hours, then strain the petals then reheat the honey for another day also at 100f with a paper towel over the top of the jar to capture the escaping moisture, would this technique work to remove the moisture? I am asking because I would like to offer this at our farmers market this summer, I make and sell my soaps and lotions but want to expand into infused honey starting with fresh rose petal honey. I infused oils with fresh herbs to incorporate into facial oils and cleansing oils, also into my soaps. So I am thinking the same procedures would work for making fresh infusions in honey – any suggestions, more details, etc are greatly appreciated!

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