Lunar Charms

January will bring two supermoons, a blue moon, and a total lunar eclipse... Visible supermoons—full moons that appear when the moon is at its closest orbital point to Earth—aren’t very rare. Having three in a row certainly is. And that’s exactly what astronomy fans are being treated to this winter. The first supermoon appeared when … Continue reading Lunar Charms

The Astrology of 2018

Over the past ten years, the people of planet Earth have experienced a cataclysmic shift that has affected virtually every area of human life.  Pluto (planet of deep transformational forces) changed signs in 2008, moving from expansive Sagittarius which embraced migration and “one world” culture as well as celebrity and theology into the contracting sign … Continue reading The Astrology of 2018

Our Five Favorite Essential Oils for a Healthy Sleep

For some people, it takes about ten seconds from their head hitting the pillow before they’re fast asleep and dreaming. But for others, sleep can prove to be an elusive state of being that they can never quite get to, no matter how hard they try. Sure, maybe you can fall asleep (after about an hour of … Continue reading Our Five Favorite Essential Oils for a Healthy Sleep

Essential Oils

If you pass through the natural health aisles of your local grocery store, you’re likely to see small glass bottles of curious liquids with poignant aromas that could fill a room. Scents like lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree oil and orange line the shelves next to oil blends with promising labels like Anxiety Release, Detoxification Aide, … Continue reading Essential Oils

Give The Gift Of An Herbal Education… At A Discount!

It never fails that every year, I'm scrambling to purchase gifts for a select few hard-to-buy-for people on my list---sometimes only a few days from Christmas {or seriously after the holiday}. And while I do my best to pick meaningful gifts for the people on my list, sometimes I'm left scrambling for a meaningful gift … Continue reading Give The Gift Of An Herbal Education… At A Discount!

Happy Holiday Short Flicks {I thought they were pretty awesome}!

Wishing Everyone A Welcoming Winter Solstice!

When the sun hangs low on the horizon and days grow shorter, we know the Winter Solstice is upon us. As the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, December 21st beckons us to go within, sleep more, and eat heartier foods. Since ancient times, all around the world, humankind has reveled in both … Continue reading Wishing Everyone A Welcoming Winter Solstice!

Making A Yule Log/Having A Old Fashioned Christmas

Make this Yule Log use as a handcrafted herbal gift for family and friends this holiday season. Yule Log Recipe The Yule log is traditionally burned on New Year’s Eve to usher in good fortune for the coming year. It is created in the spirit of prayer or ritual for the fulfilment of dreams, hopes, … Continue reading Making A Yule Log/Having A Old Fashioned Christmas

Our New Tradition For This Holiday Season.

My granddaughter, in her precocious ways, has to lead us on a path to shatterproof ornaments and owls. Vivian has her own tree to which the bottom half of the tree has been rearranged numerous times by her tiny hands. Her fascination with grasping the tiny lights in her palms and whispering to them has kept … Continue reading Our New Tradition For This Holiday Season.

Rituals for a Simple Celebration: Winter Solstice Traditions

This year, let your winter solstice celebration be an occasion to look deeply at small things, to feel at home in the world and to be just where you belong. Early nightfall. Crisp mornings. The sharp silhouette of leaf-bare branches. Orion marching across the evening sky. These are some familiar signs of winter. We often … Continue reading Rituals for a Simple Celebration: Winter Solstice Traditions