Gem Jewelry…

Gemstones are a great way to help me relax, gain focus, and ground myself. No better surprise than to find the gemstone you slipped into your pocket as a little good luck charm when your eyes were barely open at six AM, giving you that afternoon boost you need!

Gemstones are special because they each hold specific unique powers that can aid you with your own, likewise specific needs. Sometimes you might be drawn to the beauty of their color, or weight for no particular reason; that’s awesome too! The connection may come later as you spend time familiarizing yourself with your new gems!

When I wear gem jewelry I feel a sense of comfort and protection, a magnetic beauty and confidence. Most of all I love the feeling of first slipping my bracelets onto my wrists and letting the cool tranquility of their weight ground and calm me.

The way gemstones take on light, make them truly radiate throughout a room. Not only do they infuse you with their specific light and energy but also help you to radiate your own! By honing in on your unique needs and energy, you attract more desirable people and situations towards you.

Need help with something, in particular, that really feels stuck in yourself or your life? Here is a brief guide to the qualities of gemstones so you can get the intentional healing you desire!

Garnet~ root chakra: inspires passion and creativity, full of fiery energy, good for awakening your sensuality

Garnet Magic:

  • stone of vital energy and strength
  • stimulates desires and creativity
  • balances root and heart chakras
  • encourages success and a positive attitude
  • purifies blood and reduces toxins to clear skin

Jade~ heart chakra: cleansing, increases mental capacity, stabilizing, promotes inner peace and happiness

Jade Magic:

  • stone of harmony and peace
  • encourages self-healing and love
  • balances the heart chakra
  • protective and optimistic
  • rejuvenates and revitalizes skin

Howlite~ crown chakra: brings peace and heightened awareness, decreases overly judgemental state of mind, and releases anxiety

Howlite Magic:

  •  stone of awareness
  • induces calm and quiets the mind
  • dispels anger
  • connects you to your higher self through your third eye and crown chakras

Pyrite~ solar plexus chakra: good protection from negative energy, purifying, and support through challenges

Pyrite Magic:

  • stone of boldness, warmth and sun power
  • brings confidence and persistence
  • balanced solar plexus chakra
  • encourages leadership and self-worth
  • fights against skin damage and infections

Moonstone~ crown/third eye chakras: feminine energy, intuition, connecting to sensitivity, calms

Moonstone Magic:

  • stone of feminine goddess energy
  • reflects healing qualities of the moon
  • heightens awareness and emotional balance
  • awakens sacral, third eye and crown chakras
  • gives skin a healthy, youthful glow

Rose quartz~ heart chakra: “the love stone,” promotes self-love, compassion, unconditional love, releasing of old emotional wounds

Rose Quartz Magic:

    • stone of unconditional love (universal, romantic, family, etc..)
    • balances and awakens the heart chakra
    • dissolves emotional wounds, fears, and resentments
    • aids in forgiveness and acceptance
    • softens skin and smoothes lines and wrinkles

Tigers eye~ solar plexus chakra: encourages right action, courage, sense of adventure, prosperity, and developing talent

Tigers Eye Magic:

  • stone of courage and determination
  • carries the energy of sun+earth
  • balances your solar plexus chakra for feelings of self-empowerment

Smoky quartz~root chakra: powerful connection to Earth, grounding, transmute negative energy, protect emotional boundaries, and shield from psychic attack

Smokey Quartz Magic:

  • stone of protection and personal pride
  • absorbs and clears negative energy
  • grounds you through your root chakra
  • connects you to the earth

Labradorite~third eye chakra: inner strength, connecting to intuition, releasing negative energies in the aura, aides those struggling with addiction

Labradorite Magic:

  • stone of awakening the inner eye
  • boosts clairvoyance and intuition
  • creates an auric protection (balances all chakras)
  • shows you the path to healing

Amethyst~third eye/crown chakra: inspires creativity, wisdom, lightness of being, and can help those who are grieving, or struggle with overindulgence

Amethyst Magic:

  • stone of focus and concentration
  • increases spirituality and intuition
  • protects against electromagnetic radiation and other environmental pollutants

Aventurine~heart chakra: good luck stone, helps to release negativity in old patterns, and offers protection to the heart against bad energies

Aventurine Magic:

  • stone of opportunity
  • inner harmony and optimism
  • encourages perseverance
  • beneficial to eczema, acne and other skin conditions

Dumortierite~ throat chakra: confidence booster, speaking up for oneself, encourage patience, trust and calm in oneself.

Dumortierite Magic:

  • stone of patience and order
  • enhances self-discipline and self-control
  • promotes clarity and self-expression
  • works to help detoxify skin

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