Crystals For Your Home

TURN IT INTO AN HIGH-VIBE CRYSTAL HEAVEN Dorothy said it best when she clicked her ruby red slippers together, and repeated, “There’s no place like home.” Adventures with new friends to unexplored places are fun, but when you’ve been away for too long, you’re tired, and some crazy lady keeps trying to take your shoes, … Continue reading Crystals For Your Home

How To Use Crystals With Children

Children love crystals. Children are more aware and open than adults, and consequently, they are sensitive to the subtle energies of crystals and their healing powers. Crystals can be used in many ways with kids, including babies. This lens looks at how crystals can help with issues such as confidence, calmness, sleep and study, and … Continue reading How To Use Crystals With Children

7 Healing Crystals For Children

I find crystals are an effective and simple way to help them overcome obstacles. I was recently asked what crystals were not only safe for children but would help them in their daily lives, so the following guide is an introduction to some useful healing crystals for children: Amethyst - is a calming crystal that … Continue reading 7 Healing Crystals For Children