Thank you to my fairy godmother…. (#herbalism, #goodwitcheshomestead, #herbaljourney)

My Herbal Adventures...

Do you have a fairy godmother? Someone who appears all of a sudden over & over just when you need her most. Well I never thought a magical woman with kindness, good tidings & the wisdom of a fairy godmother would manifest in my life, but it seems one has. It is an honor to have been found and supported by this amazing woman who is a natural born herbalist and has all the knowledge and credentials to make me feel that there is not enough of my lifetime left to catch up to her wisdom. Yet, she has chosen to be a guide, an advocate & a friend to me from miles and miles away. I have never met her face to face, but hopefully someday I can. Luckily, the internet and its ways of connecting us through the various social media outlets, especially blogging, have led me to…

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