The Making Of A Herbalist

“I encourage everybody to make a little jar of something yourself because you will feel so good about doing it.” It’s the way it’s supposed to be. I believe we are meant to make and grow our own food, make our own medicine and nourish ourselves with what we have around us. It’s so much better if you make your own. When you grow or make something with purpose, it’s like cooking a meal for your beloved. You are so happy to be doing it that the food becomes magic for that person because of all you put into it.

The Beginning Herbalist

Create your own apothecary by turning your home and garden into a herbal medicine chest.

Meet the Menstruums

The mechanics of crafting herbal products are quite straightforward. The plant is combined with a liquid or menstruum {the herbalist’s word for “solvent”}, given time to infuse and then strained out. Then the final product is ready to be enjoyed. Aside from water, which yields preparations with a short shelf life, the menstruums most widely used by cooks and herbalists are vinegar, oil, honey, and alcohol. Each has specific culinary and medicinal applications because every menstruum has a specialty; some render specific plant constituents into solution, making those nutrients more available for assimilation in our bodies, and others provide a unique and focused delivery system for herbal benefits.

Vinegar has an acidity that makes it a premier extractor of minerals. Herbed vinegars can also be used externally and make great hair rinses, deodorant, and antifungal washes.

Your end-use will determine which type of vinegar you choose to infuse. Supplement or medicinal-quality herb vinegars are usually crafted with either raw or pasteurized apple cider vinegar. For a gourmet salad dressing, try vinegar made from wine or champagne. Distilled white vinegar can also be augmented for cleaning your home.

Oils excel at delivering a plant’s benefits to the skin and underlying tissues and, if prepared and stored properly, can also be ingested. Using extra virgin olive oil is recommended if you plan to consume your herbal oil; its high phenol content complements the nutritional value of the herbs.

Some herbalists use olive oil exclusively, while others employ a variety of seed and nut oils for external applications, such as massage or bath oils. Herb infused oils can be taken a step further and fashioned into salves, creams and lip balms by incorporating beeswax or other thickeners.

Honey is high in protein and vitamins and is antibacterial. Raw honey is pure, unheated, unpasteurized and unprocessed. Being hydroscopic, or water-loving, honey extracts the water-soluble constituents of plants. It also readily absorbs their flavorful volatile oils.

Many of the oils in aromatic herbs are antibacterial, magnifying the anti-infective quality of the honey and the herb. Honey is an effective skin soother, and herbal honeys are as at home in the first-aid kit and the cosmetic face masque as they are in the kitchen.

Alcohol is used to collect and concentrate alkaloids and other non-nutritive, medicinal components of plants. Known as tinctures, herb-alcohol extracts are usually taken internally.

Many herbal texts cite 100-proof vodka as the perfect menstruum for tinctures because of its balance of alcohol and water, while some herbalists swear by brandy.

Whichever alcohol you choose, be aware that 80-proof tinctures require a proportionally larger dose than 100-proof tinctures.

Want to learn more? Sign up for herbal courses. Today!

The Back to School Sale is quickly coming to a close! After MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, our biggest sale of the year will end and all programs will go back to their regular prices afterward. The Back to School Sale features our lowest prices of the year, you won’t find Herbal Academy courses at a deeper discount than right now – take advantage now while you can, and avoid FOMO later!

No matter if you’re a plant enthusiast, herbalist, or simply curious about the planet and all it’s natural beauty and abundance – every single one of us benefits from learning about our natural world and its gifts.  
This is the absolute best moment to jump into your next course challenge or take the first step in your herbalist adventure. We’ll help you realize your ambitions one lesson at a time.  Need some guidance on finding the right course for you? Take a look at some of our most popular programs:
Introductory Herbal Course
Our Introductory Herbal Course takes a holistic approach to herbal education; we’ll walk you through the steps of making herbal preparations, identifying common body system imbalances, and how to incorporate herbs into your daily life.
Entrepreneur Herbal Course
This program is designed to prepare students to run a small herbal products business in the unique and sometimes challenging field of herbalism. Get informed on the intricacies of working in the natural products industry!
Family Herbalist Path Package
The Family Herbalist Path Package includes our Introductory and Intermediate Herbal Courses! Starting at the beginner level, prepare to support your family’s wellbeing with plants and live a life steeped in herbal practices.
Clinical Herbalist Path Package
This bundle includes our Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Herbal Courses. It’s the most extensive package we offer, perfect for those who have their vision set on becoming a professional herbalist.
Herbal Self-Care For Stress Management Course

Herbal Academy Back to School Sale

Our Herbal Self-Care for Stress Management Course explores stress, its effects on your mind and body, then delves into the holistic approach to stress management. You’ll get a thorough understanding of the nutritional choices, lifestyle practices, and herbs that can transform your response to stress and enhance your wellbeing!

Enroll in the Botanical Skin Care Course with the Herbal Academy

Botanical Skin Care Course
Packed with 200 luxurious beauty and body care recipes, the Botanical Skin Care Course will teach you how to use the power of plants to support your skin, both internally and externally. Learn how to make herbal body care products and gain a robust foundation in skin health!
There are many more herbal courses, path packages, and short courses to choose from in our course catalog. No matter where you are in your relationship with herbs and plants, there’s always room to grow!
This is your VERY LAST OPPORTUNITY to register for any of our herbal programs at the lowest prices of the year. Don’t miss out and enroll while you still can! Remember, all of our courses are self-paced and begin only when you are ready – you can wait to start your program when the time is right for you.

Herbal Academy Back to School Sale

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