Making Homemade Herbal Lozenges with Linden

Stand beneath a blooming linden tree, and chances are you will slowly become aware of an almost unbelievable event taking place. The tree will be so alive with the hum and buzz of happy honeybees so absorbed in their harvest, they may very well bounce right off of you! An 80-year-old tree near my home presents a nearly surreal experience under her widespread, blooming boughs.


Linden, also known as tilia, is a gentle, generous herb definitely worth getting to know. Many people find it calming, relaxing, and even mood-lifting. It has expectorant action, so it may help to clear some of the seasonal grossness that can block us up during pollen season. It is also diaphoretic, slightly raising the body temperature and encouraging perspiration, which can be useful during those “under-the-weather” days and making it a useful year-round remedy. Plus, the scent is delicious! Linden can be enjoyed as a tea, in a nourishing herbal infusion, as an extract, or in capsules.


Herbal lozenges, also known as herbal pastilles or herbal tablets, are a method of consuming an herb without needing to prepare a food or beverage in which to incorporate it. They are quick to make, convenient to take, and easy to keep on hand in a desk drawer or handbag! Herbalists enjoy making lozenges because they also allow us to taste and consume the whole herb, as opposed to just the components that can be extracted or infused. Like other herbal preparations, they are adjustable to your unique needs and herbal preferences.

Homemade Linden & Honey Herbal Lozenges

Active time: 15 minutes



  1. Using a mortar and pestle, grind linden to the consistency of course powder.
  2. Mix ground linden with other dry ingredients.
  3. Slowly add wet ingredients. It should come together like a firm play dough.
  4. If the dough is too wet or sticky to work with, add more linden powder a little at a time until it reaches the desired consistency.
  5. If the dough is too dry and won’t hold together, add small amounts of honey or liquid of choice until it is right.
  6. Form the dough into small, quarter-inch balls or disks.
  7. Dust with a finishing herbal powder such as orange powder or hibiscus powder.


Pro Tips

  • If this is your first time making these lozenges, start with a teaspoon for each part (you’ll need 10 teaspoons of herb total).
  • If the dough is moist, flatten the balls (so they dry quickly) or roll the dough into a log and slice off “coins.”

Learn how to make your own DIY herbal lozenges for days when you need extra calm or some respiratory clarity with healthful, diaphoretic, and expectorant linden!

Source: Making Homemade Herbal Lozenges with Linden

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