April Birthstones | Diamond Birthstone Meaning & History | GIA

  Sparkling with an internal fire all its own, diamond is one of the world’s most sought-after and adored gemstones. Those born in April are lucky enough to call this scintillating gem their birthstone, a symbol of clarity and strength. Diamond is so strong, in fact, that its name comes from the Greek word "adamas," which … Continue reading April Birthstones | Diamond Birthstone Meaning & History | GIA

DIAMOND Guided Meditation for Practical Crystal Healing – Reiki Gem Wellness

Diamond – (Crown Chakras) – (Zodiac of Aries, Leo & Taurus) Join in for a regular Weekly Gemstone Guided Meditation! This week I take you through a Diamond Guided Meditation. This is a chance to sit with a Diamond gemstone and experience how it affects you. No gemstone is required – you can still sit with this … Continue reading DIAMOND Guided Meditation for Practical Crystal Healing – Reiki Gem Wellness


Diamonds are the birthstone for the month of April. To celebrate these dazzling gemstones, we’ve rounded up fifteen interesting facts and bits of lore about diamonds’ origins and history: 1 The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that diamonds were tears cried by the gods or splinters from falling stars, and Romans believed that Cupid’s arrows … Continue reading 15 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT DIAMONDS