Fairy Lore and the Plant Kingdom | Coby Michael Ward

  Plant lore and fairy lore are often intimately connected. The magical provenance of many plants is due to their folkloric association with the fairy realm. Fairies were thought to make their homes in certain plants and were believed to be responsible for tending to their growth. They have also been said to guide the … Continue reading Fairy Lore and the Plant Kingdom | Coby Michael Ward

The Yule Faeries – A Winter Solstice Story

A group of little Faeries huddled in their home deep under the roots of a giant oak tree. They were safe and snug in their tiny underground cave lined with dandelion fluff, bird feathers, and dried moss. Outside, the wind blew cold and the snow fell softly down to cover the ground. "I saw the … Continue reading The Yule Faeries – A Winter Solstice Story