The Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is upon us: the day when the Sun enters Capricorn in the tropical zodiac. The chart for the Winter Solstice is often used to forecast the energies of the coming season (until the Spring Equinox at zero Aries).  The conjunction of the Sun to Saturn at the Winter Solstice embeds this energy … Continue reading The Winter Solstice

Libra New Moon, October 20, 2017: Finding Balance in the Midst of Chaos

The New Moon is the darkest time of the lunar cycle – the time when there is no lunar light. The Sun and Moon are in exact alignment in the sky, at the same degree, and the lunar light is obscured by the Sun. For a brief moment, we are suspended in time, and life is … Continue reading Libra New Moon, October 20, 2017: Finding Balance in the Midst of Chaos

2017 Crone Moon Cycle Energy Report — Spirit de la Lune

Welcome to the Crone Moon......A moon cycle filled with magick, deep wisdom, and a cycle which asks you to stay receptive and open as the seasons wane. The Crone stirs you into her cauldron to be alchemized and transformed. This cycle is not for the faint of heart, and as it lands in the s … Continue reading 2017 Crone Moon Cycle Energy Report — Spirit de la Lune

October’s Full Moon 2017

The Hunter’s Moon is so named because plenty of moonlight is ideal for hunters shooting migrating birds in Northern Europe. The name is also said to have been used by Native Americans as they tracked and killed their prey by autumn moonlight, stockpiling food for the winter ahead. Traditional association with feasting: In the northern … Continue reading October’s Full Moon 2017

Aries Full Moon October 5, 2017 – Tragic King

The Full Moon on 5 October 2017 falls at 12º Aries decan 2. This is only one aspect to Mercury and an adjustment quincunx to Neptune from the Sun. The Full Moon falls on the fixed star Alderamin in Cepheus the King. This Full Moon in Aries decan 2 has no special dignity and will generally run counter … Continue reading Aries Full Moon October 5, 2017 – Tragic King

The Venus/Mars Dance October 2017

Venus and Mars begin a new cycle in Virgo in October, symbolizing the eternal dance between feminine and masculine, receptive and assertive, light and dark, negative and positive, yin and yang. These polarities are interdependent – neither can exist without the other – and they are equal in value.  At times various cultures may ascribe … Continue reading The Venus/Mars Dance October 2017

Welcome October: Astrology for October 2017

RUNE OF THE MONTH: Mannaz “the Self, community”. Knowing ourselves, our talents, our weaknesses, our potential is essential to establish solid connections. We each exist as a complete whole, but our relations to others are what define us. Community provides exchange, confrontation, growth and evolution. Let us be aware that our individual choices determine the … Continue reading Welcome October: Astrology for October 2017

September Astrology 2017

RUNE OF THE MONTH: Inguz “fertility, new beginnings”. A wonderful month to resume unresolved situations, clear the old and let go of the past so that we may start anew, grounded, centered, free from what no longer serves us. We are now in a position to create the life we truly desire with consciousness and … Continue reading September Astrology 2017

Predictions for Monday, 21 August 2017 – Solar Eclipse

General Astrological Predictions: At 18:31UT the Moon conjuncts the Sun causing the New Moon and a Solar Eclipse in Leo. Actually, almost two hours after the eclipse, the Moon will enter Virgo. The energies of the eclipse have started raising just after the Lunar Eclipse and will be active until the next Full Moon on … Continue reading Predictions for Monday, 21 August 2017 – Solar Eclipse

Daily Predictions for Sunday, 20 August 2017

General Daily Predictions: Today the Moon is in Leo, and the major aspects it forms is… None! So, the only interesting thing on the sky is the perfect hexagon between Mars in Leo and Jupiter in Libra. Of course, this aspect was active since at least 10 days ago and will be so for another … Continue reading Daily Predictions for Sunday, 20 August 2017