Thank you to my fairy godmother…. (#herbalism, #goodwitcheshomestead, #herbaljourney)

My Herbal Adventures...

Do you have a fairy godmother? Someone who appears all of a sudden over & over just when you need her most. Well I never thought a magical woman with kindness, good tidings & the wisdom of a fairy godmother would manifest in my life, but it seems one has. It is an honor to have been found and supported by this amazing woman who is a natural born herbalist and has all the knowledge and credentials to make me feel that there is not enough of my lifetime left to catch up to her wisdom. Yet, she has chosen to be a guide, an advocate & a friend to me from miles and miles away. I have never met her face to face, but hopefully someday I can. Luckily, the internet and its ways of connecting us through the various social media outlets, especially blogging, have led me to…

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The Red and the White of Clover

Red Clover {Trifolium pratense} Family: Fabaceae This all-around wellness herb and blood purifier is a key ingredient in herbal blends popularized during the early 1900s and used in cancer treatment, including Essiac, Dr. Christopher's Red Clover Combination, and the Hoxsey formula. Red clover has been an Old World symbol for luck and abundance since ancient … Continue reading The Red and the White of Clover

The Skin You’re In (#herbs, #IBS & #skincare)….

It’s so rewarding that my natural, handmade by me from my own herbal plants I’ve grown and harvested, for a much lesser cost than those other products, ARE STILL WORKING A YEAR AND A HALF LATER! This means the world to me. It’s proven that there is true power in the herbs and the less additives the better. Three or less ingredients in each of these handcrafted botanical, herbal infusion skincare oils is really the key to the power. The best part is that they still last a long time and the herbs and oils themselves are preservatives, so they are moisturizing, cleansing & healing.

My Herbal Adventures...

My skin has been a nemesis of mine since I was a teenager. Yet, the worst years were in my early twenties for breakouts and trial after trial of trying to fix what seemed to only get worse. As I tried to figure out how to fix it from the outside, without being willing to change my eating habits, it only got better when my alcohol consumption and relationship with nutrition & food changed in my mid-twenties. To this day I still struggle with my skin more than anything else in my lifestyle routine; due to a few reasons I will discuss below.

IBS! This has been a new discovery for me in the past few years. My sensitive stomach is really what has now been defined and given a name; Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Here are the list of symptoms in case you are unfamiliar:

  • Changes in normal bowel movements…

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Concentrated Herbal Liquid Extracts (#herbs, #preventativehealth, #wellness, #bodybalance)…….

And may I add, she is my “go-to” tincture lady. I have purchased and used many of Anne’s herbal tincture’s, absolutely wonderful. You really should pay her a visit.

My Herbal Adventures...

The quote you see below is by the Herbal Academy online; which is the herbal school I have studied at. It really sums up my philosophy of how herbs should be used:

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Part of my herbal go-to supply for health promotion & immunity boosting is incorporating a variety of 4-6 herbal tinctures/day into my wellness routine. You can take less or more, but it’s one of the best “supplements” you can take. Crafted at peek season for a quality, small batch affect & taste. Oh, and just like other supplements, they don’t always taste the best, but we can use or mix them with glycerites to bring some sweetness or a tea/juice that disguises the flavor more.

I’ve read over & over that the MAIN benefit of tinctures & glycerites made from fresh herbs is the quality & concentration of the product for our body. Tea loses potency after drying…

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