Letting Go: Using Falling Leaf Essences to Ease Into Autumn

Somehow, we again find ourselves in Autumn. October, to be specific.  And although these past few weeks have felt more like the deep heat of Summer, signs of fall are appending to Summer’s coattails like burs.  The wind now has a rattle to its voice, moving through the dry leaves still clinging to their branches. The clamour … Continue reading Letting Go: Using Falling Leaf Essences to Ease Into Autumn

Ancient Forest’s

You can’t really consider Aspen tree by itself because aspens typically grow in large clonal colonies, which can be defined as an ‘a group of genetically identical individuals that have grown in a given location, all from a single ancestor. The Colonies usually grow through a process known as vegetative reproduction. A plant sends out horizontal stems … Continue reading Ancient Forest’s