The Witch Reborn in Autumn: Spiritual Death and the Dance of Bones | Spirits Dance Bones

The Wild Witch and the Dance of Bones The moon ascends from her primal cave, And my feet twitch in excitement. For this is the long-awaited call Back to my soul’s home. I become a wild witch once more. Hail Autumn, With your winds of change, Blowing me free of what has passed, Dancing in … Continue reading The Witch Reborn in Autumn: Spiritual Death and the Dance of Bones | Spirits Dance Bones

Autumn Equinox

BY: ELLEN DUGAN The beginning of the autumn season officially commences in September with the Autumn Equinox. As the sun enters the astrological sign of Libra, the hours of day and darkness are equal to one another, just like the balanced scales of Libra itself. From this point of the year, with each passing day, … Continue reading Autumn Equinox

Warm, Spicy Aroma of Cinnamon

The warm, spicy aroma of cinnamon wafting from baked goods and hot apple cider is one of the first and welcome signs of autumn. An ancient and beloved spice, we have long valued cinnamon to enliven cuisine, create exotic perfumes, and as a staple spice rack remedy. Though many species of cinnamon exist, the most … Continue reading Warm, Spicy Aroma of Cinnamon

Back to School Sale for all Herbalism Courses!

Fall is a tricky little season, filled with transformation and mixed emotions. Some detest the summer's end, bemoaning the shorter and colder days ahead; others look forward to the start of autumn, done with hot, sticky days and gleefully awaiting the turning of the leaves or that first snowfall. Whether you love autumn or hate … Continue reading Back to School Sale for all Herbalism Courses!

Teas for Autumn and Winter

The cool, dry winds, unsettled weather, and decreasing daylight hours that we experience as the season transitions into autumn and winter can be difficult for our bodies and minds. While some of us welcome this rhythmic seasonal change and the downward movement of energy back to the earth and others dread it, we can all … Continue reading Teas for Autumn and Winter

Medicinal Herb: Marshmallow

Althaea Officinalis Also, Known As: Althaea Marshmallow Mortification Root Sweetweed Found growing in abundance in moist and wet places all over the world, marshmallow is a perennial aromatic herb that is sometimes found to grow up to four feet in height. While the herb can be found growing in plenty in the wild, it is … Continue reading Medicinal Herb: Marshmallow

Room on a Broom

An instant classic in our home. Myself, my daughter and little Miss Vivian watched this the other day and it has become a daily movie to watch. I hope you enjoy this as well. Happy Autumn! <p><a href="">Room on a Broom</a> from <a href="">Lilli🌸 Rose🌹</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Letting Go: Using Falling Leaf Essences to Ease Into Autumn

Somehow, we again find ourselves in Autumn. October, to be specific.  And although these past few weeks have felt more like the deep heat of Summer, signs of fall are appending to Summer’s coattails like burs.  The wind now has a rattle to its voice, moving through the dry leaves still clinging to their branches. The clamour … Continue reading Letting Go: Using Falling Leaf Essences to Ease Into Autumn

Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox is a time of harvesting and preparation. It is a time to reflect on your life and to start making plans for the future. Autumn Equinox, also known as 'Mabon', is the midpoint between the Summer and Winter Solstices. As at Spring Equinox, days and nights are of equal length, but from … Continue reading Autumn Equinox

Fall Foods & Spices ~ Spices

Our autumn foods and seasonal spices are delicious, time - honored traditions. Full of nourishing vitamins and minerals, they also contain some savory and surprising returns on health. Cinnamon {Cinnamomum spp.} As autumn nears, it's hard not to get excited about cinnamon. One of the most beloved spices, its sweet, warm aroma and a fiery … Continue reading Fall Foods & Spices ~ Spices