Chakra Cleansing and Balancing

Balancing our energy centers (chakras) can support us in our lives in so many ways. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for “wheel,” referring to the various energy centers in the body. As we move through life we find ourselves at different places on the wheel so understanding the power we hold in each energy center teaches us … Continue reading Chakra Cleansing and Balancing

Healing Crystals for Balancing Yin and Yang Energies

The language of cosmic balance stems from each one of our own spiritual balance, which can be briefed as the effect of yin and yang stability. Yin and Yang are the foundation of the life force, which crystal users harness, control and direct for healing, health, and magic. What are Yin and Yang Energy Described as the two halves of Life … Continue reading Healing Crystals for Balancing Yin and Yang Energies

Healing & Balancing Your Chakras

As a herbalist, I prescribe herbal potions and essential oils to my clients as a complement to our healing sessions and an alternative to medication. Over the years, I’ve watched herbs help treat everything from PTSD to depression, anxiety, chronic pain, migraines, obesity, rage, and more. After about five years of experience with prescribing herbs, … Continue reading Healing & Balancing Your Chakras