Baneful Herbs in Magical Practice | Coby Michael Ward

Using Baneful Herbs in Magic With their infamous reputations and prominent place in myth and folklore, the Baneful herbs begin to seem more like mischievous magical creatures appearing throughout history in folktales and first-hand accounts.  They are powerful in their chemistry and in their occult power, but they are still plants.  The deadly nightshade grows … Continue reading Baneful Herbs in Magical Practice | Coby Michael Ward

Deadly Delicacies from Emporium Black | Coby Michael Ward

I love introducing people to new things in the magical community.  I love networking with fellow practitioners and pointing people in the right direction to help meet their needs because I know how difficult this labyrinth can be to navigate. The chocolate was amazing and the subtle taste of the herb-infused honey was noticeable enough … Continue reading Deadly Delicacies from Emporium Black | Coby Michael Ward

The Pernicious Diaries

Belladonna Atropa belladonna Also, Known As Belladonna Deadly Nightshade Devil's Cherries Devil's Herb Divale Dwale Dwayberry Great Morel Naughty Man's Cherries The plant commonly known as the belladonna is a medium sized perennial shrub. It can grow from two to six feet in height; it normally bears two or three branches and has a distinct … Continue reading The Pernicious Diaries

The Pernicious Diaries ~ Belladonna – Part 2

Plant Parts Used: Root, leaf. Remedies from Belladonna: Remedies prepared from the belladonna plant are normally prescribed to bring a relaxing effect on distended organs; this is particularly beneficial for patients with problems in the stomach and the intestines. The remedies made from the belladonna are also helpful in bringing relief from intestinal colic and pain … Continue reading The Pernicious Diaries ~ Belladonna – Part 2

The Pernicious Diaries ~ Belladonna – Part 3

Habitat and Cultivation of Belladonna. The belladonna is cultivated worldwide, but it was originally a native species of Europe, growing in the wild in parts of Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa. The species grows well in soils that have a chalky composition; it thrives in woods and on waste grounds. The leaves of the … Continue reading The Pernicious Diaries ~ Belladonna – Part 3

Anxiety {Dogs}

Is there any difference in the homeopathic remedies we give anxious ­animals versus anxious people? No, it’s just a little harder to deduce the right remedy for an animal—not unlike choosing a remedy for an infant or young toddler. You can help animals suffering from mild or short-term, acute anxiety by using one of the … Continue reading Anxiety {Dogs}

Planting A Magickal Garden.

Once upon a time, there was an event called the Pacific Northwest Flower Show. It took place once a year in a large building that was usually filled with business conventions. But during the Flower Show, the building was transformed into a series of display spaces. The most famous gardeners and garden centers in the … Continue reading Planting A Magickal Garden.