Crystals For Your Home

TURN IT INTO AN HIGH-VIBE CRYSTAL HEAVEN Dorothy said it best when she clicked her ruby red slippers together, and repeated, “There’s no place like home.” Adventures with new friends to unexplored places are fun, but when you’ve been away for too long, you’re tired, and some crazy lady keeps trying to take your shoes, … Continue reading Crystals For Your Home

How to Open, Clear, and Balance the Chakras with Crystals

If you want to be healthy, happy, and spiritually connected, it all starts with your chakras and bio-energetic system. Your chakras are power points or gateways into the human energy system. They receive energy from the environment, which is circulated through the entire energy system via the meridians. The seven major chakras are located in a … Continue reading How to Open, Clear, and Balance the Chakras with Crystals

5 Crystals To Reduce Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

We all love our smartphones and laptops, the always-on access to the internet. But could there be a problem hiding in plain sight? There have always been Electromagnetic Fields around us, invisible to the human eye. The Earth has a magnetic field, always pointing north. Electric fields are produced when going from high to low … Continue reading 5 Crystals To Reduce Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

Black Tourmaline For Psychic Protection

BLACK TOURMALINE … IT’S ELECTRIC! Let’s face it… The world we live in today is absolutely beautiful, magical, and awe inspiring… But, there is also an immense amount of stress, negativity, and chaotic energy, not to mention electromagnetic frequencies that we have to deal with on a day to day basis. Thankfully, Mother Earth in her … Continue reading Black Tourmaline For Psychic Protection


Black Tourmaline (Schorl) is one of the best stones to use for protection from all sorts of negativity. The stone will deflect, rather than absorb, the energy that is unbalancing, creating a safe, neutral space around itself. Schorl brings the strength and stability of the planet earth into the human aura. Energy: protective, balancing Colors: green, pink … Continue reading THE NEGATIVITY REMEDY STONE: BLACK TOURMALINE