Respiratory Herbs and This Weekend Final Registration For Herbal Classes

As our 50% off Good Faith Gesture comes to a final close this Sunday, we want to extend a big welcome with arms wide open to all of our new students (and welcome back to returning students). Buckle up! We are going to take you on a fantastic journey! Together, we will explore the wild and … Continue reading Respiratory Herbs and This Weekend Final Registration For Herbal Classes

Reishi, Defying Gravity

Ganoderma lucidum The Illustrated Herbiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Bewitching Botanicals (Wild Wisdom) Reishi mushroom is the Yoda of the plant world, helping you assimilate life's experiences and turn them into wisdom. The Taoists teach that Reishi can show you where your power lies, which some might call your destiny. Reishi's not some soft, … Continue reading Reishi, Defying Gravity

Back to School Sale for all Herbalism Courses!

Fall is a tricky little season, filled with transformation and mixed emotions. Some detest the summer's end, bemoaning the shorter and colder days ahead; others look forward to the start of autumn, done with hot, sticky days and gleefully awaiting the turning of the leaves or that first snowfall. Whether you love autumn or hate … Continue reading Back to School Sale for all Herbalism Courses!

Back to School; Finding Your Herbal Path

Looking for a career in the burgeoning and rewarding field of herbs? Start by finding the right educational program to suit your individual needs and goals. By some estimates, 70 percent of Americans are not fully satisfied with their current jobs, and this lack of contentment impacts not only the workplace but also our personal … Continue reading Back to School; Finding Your Herbal Path

Bundle Up with Discounted Herbalist Paths

Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle 2018 The Herbal Academy just announced they will be closing course registration for the Introductory, Intermediate, and all herbalist packages on January 7th until further notice as they undergo some website improvements. No return date has been announced yet on these programs so hurry to enroll before these classes … Continue reading Bundle Up with Discounted Herbalist Paths

25 Days of Herbal Holidays Countdown

2018 Holiday Sale on herbal courses!  Sunday, December 2 SPECIAL OFFER: SUPER HOLIDAY DEAL ENDS TODAY! All programs are on sale, but our Herbalist Path Packages have super deals this weekend only to make the holidays even sweeter!  What are your goals as you explore your herbal path and education? Do you want to support … Continue reading 25 Days of Herbal Holidays Countdown

Foundations in Herbal Medicine

Master Herbal Medicine Are you a healthcare professional with a passion for plants? If so, you will love the new Foundations in Herbal Medicine. Originally derived from a nine-month residential program, Foundations is an online, distance-learning herbal and natural medicine program, founded and taught by Tieraona Low D Source: Foundations in Herbal Medicine