The Energies of December 2019

2019 has not been an easy year for many people; there has been a lot going on and often some very difficult things to deal with along the way. The energetic flow for December looks set to provide us with a grand climax to the roller coaster journey we have all been on this year. … Continue reading The Energies of December 2019

December Gemstone: Turquoise

Every stone and crystal has different metaphysical properties depending on what book or website you look to—so when I make my bracelet formulations I go through all the books I can find looking for properties that are mentioned multiple times in different cultures. The property that pops up the most is the one I use—and … Continue reading December Gemstone: Turquoise

The Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is upon us: the day when the Sun enters Capricorn in the tropical zodiac. The chart for the Winter Solstice is often used to forecast the energies of the coming season (until the Spring Equinox at zero Aries).  The conjunction of the Sun to Saturn at the Winter Solstice embeds this energy … Continue reading The Winter Solstice