What is a Nightmare?

What can I do overcome them? A nightmare is a dream that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind. A nightmare is typically fear or horror related but can also include despair, anxiety and intense sadness. The dream may contain events or situations of danger, mental or physical terror and varying discomfort. People … Continue reading What is a Nightmare?

What is a Lucid Dream?

A lucid dream is any type of dreaming in which your aware that your dreaming. Whether it be a short period or prolonged amount of time. As long you are aware that your dreaming it is considered a “lucid dream”. A Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik (Willem) van Eden was one of the most widely … Continue reading What is a Lucid Dream?

Dream Terminology

Most of the terms and techniques were developed or became more commonly known by Stephen LaBerge, and he describes many of them in his book Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. Auto-suggestion- A technique where, as you are falling asleep, suggest to yourself that you will have a lucid dream either that night or in the … Continue reading Dream Terminology

Oneiromancy~ The Lost Art Of Dream Divination

In every dream, there is a message, a part of us that needs to be heard, a guiding light, a healthy outlet for fantasies, creative inspiration and a way to cultivate our evolution as the beings that we are and will become.  Dreams allow us to go on a mysterious adventure, calling us to better … Continue reading Oneiromancy~ The Lost Art Of Dream Divination

Mistletoe The Sacred Plant of the Druids

Gathering the Mistletoe On the Sixth day after the new moon A procession of village folk. Gathered to seek a special boon Underneath the ancient oak. They spied a clump of mistletoe High in the oaken canopy The berries gave a milky glow Against bare limbs of the winter tree. A white robed Druid climbed … Continue reading Mistletoe The Sacred Plant of the Druids

Our Dreams.

Dreams allow us to receive and transmit magickal communique although we may not remember them upon awakening nor do we always understand them. Sleep and the dream state are where healing and rhythmic readjustments most frequently occur. Although some use the phrase “just a dream” to indicate a hopeless cause or a figment of the … Continue reading Our Dreams.