Fall Gourds

Storage containers, bowls, utensils, tools, masks, musical instruments, jewelry, dolls, flotation devices, toys, wheels, sieves, food, birdhouses - the list goes on and on for the many functional, spiritual, and decorative uses of the humble gourd. At this time of year, gourds abound at farmer's markets, the grocery store, and even the backyard for some … Continue reading Fall Gourds

Back to School Sale for all Herbalism Courses!

Fall is a tricky little season, filled with transformation and mixed emotions. Some detest the summer's end, bemoaning the shorter and colder days ahead; others look forward to the start of autumn, done with hot, sticky days and gleefully awaiting the turning of the leaves or that first snowfall. Whether you love autumn or hate … Continue reading Back to School Sale for all Herbalism Courses!


by Guido Masé November 19, 2018 A long time ago, Anne and I traveled to Ireland. We vagabonded slowly down the west coast from hostel to hostel, over green hills to rugged seaside cliffs, stopping at standing stones and the ruins of circle forts, visiting old-growth forests left intact for hundreds of years. One day we … Continue reading ENCOUNTERS IN GRATITUDE AND A CHANCE TO LISTEN


Autumn is the time to ground down and return to our inward selves.  After the ethereal light and abundant days of summer, we start to prepare for the darker days ahead.  It’s the best time of year to set intentions, get quiet, create and manifest dreams, and to re-commit to healthy habits--the simple things that … Continue reading BE A HERBALIST THIS FALL

Apple Cider Vinegar Formulas

The Quintessential Symbol of Fall, The apple lends itself to a tasty vinegar that's become a staple base for herb tonics. By improving digestion to combating allergies, these "ACV" formulas give the body a {delicious} boost. An Apple Falls from the Tree The first recorded mention of vinegar date back to 5,000 BCE in Babylon … Continue reading Apple Cider Vinegar Formulas

The Story of Anemone

COMMON NAME: anemone GENUS: Anemone SPECIES, HYBRIDS, CULTIVARS: A. hybrida 'Queen Charlotte'- deep pink; 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall. A.h. 'Honorine Jobert'- white. A.h. 'September Charm'- pink. A. coronaria 'Flore Pleno'- double scarlet flowers. Family: Ranunculaceae BLOOMS: Fall TYPE: perennial DESCRIPTION: Flowers come in single or double forms and in shades of pink, red, and white, … Continue reading The Story of Anemone

Fragrances for Fall {DIY}

Without question, people adore the cozy smells of fall that brings pumpkin spice, tart apples, crisp leaves and spicy cinnamon. Bring those scents into your own home to celebrate fall without using harsh artificial chemical scents by making your own natural home fragrance on your stove. All you need to do is bring a pot of … Continue reading Fragrances for Fall {DIY}

Root Medicine: A Herbalist’s Guide to Digging Roots

Fall is harvest time, not only for winter storage crops like beets and carrots but for all those beautiful medicinal plants we have been watching flower and grow for many months now. Harvest provides a sense of the changing seasons and a chance to prepare our medicine cabinet for the year to come. It’s a special practice to take note … Continue reading Root Medicine: A Herbalist’s Guide to Digging Roots

Fall Allergies ~ An Herbal Approach

Seasonal allergies can really get you down, and over-the-counter meds can knock you out. Try these natural herbal remedies to soothe pollen induced headaches, scratchy throats, chapped skin, and more. As allergy sufferers, we're acutely aware of seasonal changes in air quality. Earth's reawakening in spring brings us welcome warmth, but it also delivers not-so-welcome tree … Continue reading Fall Allergies ~ An Herbal Approach

Herbs To Have In Your Medicine Cabinet This Fall

It’s the time of year, where more often than not we are turning to our medicine cupboard to support our bodies and our families. An abundance of tea herbs, honey, and lemon, fresh herbs like ginger, turmeric, cayenne, and garlic are all great to have on hand throughout the winter. A few herbal tinctures also … Continue reading Herbs To Have In Your Medicine Cabinet This Fall