Tucson Gem and Mineral Showcase

At first, we all thought the Tucson Gem and Mineral Showcase was completely canceled for obvious reasons. But then, recently, news passed down that some of the shows decided to postpone events into April. (There are some still deciding what to do.) As the showcase gets closer, the remaining shows may decide on their dates … Continue reading Tucson Gem and Mineral Showcase

GemFair Tucson: American Gem Trade Association

The AGTA GemFair Tuscon is the premier gem show destination for quality, beauty, and integrity in the world of colored gemstones and cultured pearls. Source: GemFair Tucson: American Gem Trade Association AGTA GemFair™ Tucson Dates and Hours: GemHall & Galleria February 4-9, 2020 Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM – … Continue reading GemFair Tucson: American Gem Trade Association