Why Grow Microgreens and Micro Herbs Yourself?

Microgreens and micro herbs are the seedling versions of leafy greens, vegetables, and herbs. They are a few days older than "sprouts". Super Nutritious As shown in a 2012 USDA study and in several studies since, microgreens and micro herbs are extremely nutritious, in some cases up to 40x more nutritiously dense than their mature versions. Fresh … Continue reading Why Grow Microgreens and Micro Herbs Yourself?

Praise of the Pumpkin

The pumpkin is a fall fruit with a rich heritage and flexible flavor that has been used for centuries. If the tomato is the queen of garden vegetables, the pumpkin may well be the king. In fact, in some parts of China, it is called “Emperor of the garden.” And why not? No plant produces … Continue reading Praise of the Pumpkin

Sunflower Lore

COMMON NAME: sunflower GENUS: Helianthus SPECIES: H. annuus-grown for seed and flower FAMILY: Compositae BLOOMS: summer TYPE: annual DESCRIPTION: Characterized by its height and size of the flower, the sunflower has earned a welcome place in the summer garden. Many varieties on the market now offer diversity in color {even a white sunflower!}, size of the flower, and plant … Continue reading Sunflower Lore

Our Newest Plant Aquisition; Purple Shamrock {Oxalis}

Actually, there was two, a Thatian Bridal Veil and the Purple Shamrock. I'm not familiar with the latter so this post is what I have found out so far. Three is often the magic number when it comes to Oxalis. The most common species grown as a houseplant is Oxalis triangularis which has three common names, False Shamrock, Purple Shamrock, and Love … Continue reading Our Newest Plant Aquisition; Purple Shamrock {Oxalis}

The Enchanting Hellebore

Latin Name Pronunciation: hel-eh-bor'us These evergreen plants bring an architectural quality to the shady garden. Most bloom in early winter in mild climates and in late winter or very early spring where the ground freezes hard. Resistant to both deer and voles, they are long-lived and provide exquisite blooms at a time when flowers are a scarce delight. … Continue reading The Enchanting Hellebore

Grow Great Zinnias – Floret Flowers

Nothing says summer more than an armload of cheerful zinnias. Available in a brilliant rainbow of colors, these happy blooms are a must grow for any flower lover. As one of the easiest cut flowers to cultivate, they are a perfect first crop for beginning growers and are reliable, prolific producers for most flower farms. … Continue reading Grow Great Zinnias – Floret Flowers

The Pernicious Diaries ~ Belladonna – Part 3

Habitat and Cultivation of Belladonna. The belladonna is cultivated worldwide, but it was originally a native species of Europe, growing in the wild in parts of Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa. The species grows well in soils that have a chalky composition; it thrives in woods and on waste grounds. The leaves of the … Continue reading The Pernicious Diaries ~ Belladonna – Part 3

Oregano Lore

Oregano Origanum spp. Botanical Background: Member of the mint family; 42 species native to the Mediterranean or Eurasia. Most found only wild, especially in Cyprus, southern Turkey, western Syria, and Lebanon. Description: Perennial or shrubby plants range in height from 2-3 inches to 3 feet or more. Aromatic leaves; small purple, pink or white flowers highly … Continue reading Oregano Lore

Ginger: The Herb To Become Acquainted With For 2018.

Ginger's Quality: The quality of the original rhizome must be the primary concern for the person using supplements of ginger in their diet. At the same time, the ginger herb is a valuable supplement in a variety of supplemental forms. At the same time, the value of the rhizome and the supplemental quality will be … Continue reading Ginger: The Herb To Become Acquainted With For 2018.

Orris Root

Iris pallida Also, Known As Dalmatian Iris Orris Root Sweet Iris The term orris root is used to denote the roots of a number of species, including Iris germanica, Iris pallida and Iris florentina. They have a very sweet fragrance, which is more distinct in some bearded irises compared to others. The aroma of the … Continue reading Orris Root