Crystals; Encoded with Sacred Geometry E-Kit – Hibiscus Moon 

Crystals are deeply encoded with sacred geometry and hold ancient knowledge to be discovered. Source: Crystals; Encoded with Sacred Geometry E-Kit - Hibiscus Moon  This eKit is for you only if you're ready to... Reawaken your DNA with ancient knowledge through sacred geometry Allow for more efficient resonance with your crystals by understanding the science … Continue reading Crystals; Encoded with Sacred Geometry E-Kit – Hibiscus Moon 

Crystals For Courage, Confidence, and Bravery

Courage gives life to our little and big ambitions, life decisions as well as miracles. Without courage, it is not only impossible to survive in this world, living becomes more of hardships. Like meditation and chromotherapy, Crystals for courage when used on the higher chakras are seen to fill the wearer with confidence and surety. It … Continue reading Crystals For Courage, Confidence, and Bravery

Healing Crystals for Balancing Yin and Yang Energies

The language of cosmic balance stems from each one of our own spiritual balance, which can be briefed as the effect of yin and yang stability. Yin and Yang are the foundation of the life force, which crystal users harness, control and direct for healing, health, and magic. What are Yin and Yang Energy Described as the two halves of Life … Continue reading Healing Crystals for Balancing Yin and Yang Energies

Lemurian Seed Crystals

PROPERTIES OF LEMURIAN SEED CRYSTALS Lemurian Star Seed crystals are "master" crystals within the Crystal Kingdom. Within the planetary hologram, they are linked to all other crystals. They transmit to these crystals the message of Oneness and Unity and Love that was the key energy of Lemuria. This is their work, to reactivate within the … Continue reading Lemurian Seed Crystals

Why Crystals Have Healing And Ascension Properties

© 2010 by Hibiscus Moon. All rights reserved. All material on this page is protected by the US and international copyright law and may not be quoted or reproduced without the express written permission of the author. All authorized reproductions, quotes or copies, in whole or in part, must reference the author's name and the … Continue reading Why Crystals Have Healing And Ascension Properties

7 Healing Crystals For Children

I find crystals are an effective and simple way to help them overcome obstacles. I was recently asked what crystals were not only safe for children but would help them in their daily lives, so the following guide is an introduction to some useful healing crystals for children: Amethyst - is a calming crystal that … Continue reading 7 Healing Crystals For Children

Healing Crystal Questionnaire

This is a fun and quick questionnaire to try in for yourself.  Take the time to meditate and feel the right crystal stone that is right for you for healing at this time. Print it out and check the questions for which you have a definite YES.  Write down the numbers of the questions for … Continue reading Healing Crystal Questionnaire