5 Crystals To Reduce Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

We all love our smartphones and laptops, the always-on access to the internet. But could there be a problem hiding in plain sight? There have always been Electromagnetic Fields around us, invisible to the human eye. The Earth has a magnetic field, always pointing north. Electric fields are produced when going from high to low … Continue reading 5 Crystals To Reduce Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

The Grounding Stone: Hematite

With its iron content, hematite has a strengthening influence on the physical body – especially the blood, body temperature, and circulatory system. Of all the grounding stones, hematite is perhaps the surest – very few people fail to be brought down to a steady, focused state due to its stabilizing influence on the physical body. … Continue reading The Grounding Stone: Hematite

Magical Properties of Stones and Crystals

A small grouping to give you ideas for wand points. Some of the massive stones (as distinct from crystals) can be found cut and polished into points. They are sometimes made into massage wands, which are usually a bit too large for use as a wand point. The principal crystals used as points are Amethyst, … Continue reading Magical Properties of Stones and Crystals