BIG NEWS: Our newest course is officially here!

Do you dream of creating your own herbal recipe book? One that’s full of effective, original, well-balanced formulas inspired by your unique herbal journey and expertise, and the needs of the people for whom they are intended?  Our herbal recipe book would be something environmentally friendly, maybe a wax canvas-bound cover and handwritten interior, with oil stains on … Continue reading BIG NEWS: Our newest course is officially here!

How To Make Homemade Fire Cider – Herbal Academy

Fire cider is a traditional immune-supporting remedy with deep roots in folk medicine (but most popularly championed by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar). At its most basic, it’s a zesty infused vinegar, packed with powerful immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and circulatory herbs. The addition of hot peppers and a little local honey makes it both spicy and … Continue reading How To Make Homemade Fire Cider – Herbal Academy

Reishi, Defying Gravity

Ganoderma lucidum The Illustrated Herbiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Bewitching Botanicals (Wild Wisdom) Reishi mushroom is the Yoda of the plant world, helping you assimilate life's experiences and turn them into wisdom. The Taoists teach that Reishi can show you where your power lies, which some might call your destiny. Reishi's not some soft, … Continue reading Reishi, Defying Gravity

A New Year, A New You, Want To Become An Herbalist?

Plants are the foundation of our modern medical system. It may sound like a stretch, but many of the most commonly-recommended and prescribed medications of our day came about because of the study of plants and their compounds - morphine and poppy, aspirin and white willow, menthol, and mint. While we’ve strayed from this model … Continue reading A New Year, A New You, Want To Become An Herbalist?

Making Homemade Herbal Lozenges with Linden

Stand beneath a blooming linden tree, and chances are you will slowly become aware of an almost unbelievable event taking place. The tree will be so alive with the hum and buzz of happy honeybees so absorbed in their harvest, they may very well bounce right off of you! An 80-year-old tree near my home presents a … Continue reading Making Homemade Herbal Lozenges with Linden

The Making Of A Herbalist

"I encourage everybody to make a little jar of something yourself because you will feel so good about doing it." It's the way it's supposed to be. I believe we are meant to make and grow our own food, make our own medicine and nourish ourselves with what we have around us. It's so much … Continue reading The Making Of A Herbalist

Back to School Sale for all Herbalism Courses!

Fall is a tricky little season, filled with transformation and mixed emotions. Some detest the summer's end, bemoaning the shorter and colder days ahead; others look forward to the start of autumn, done with hot, sticky days and gleefully awaiting the turning of the leaves or that first snowfall. Whether you love autumn or hate … Continue reading Back to School Sale for all Herbalism Courses!

Back to School; Finding Your Herbal Path

Looking for a career in the burgeoning and rewarding field of herbs? Start by finding the right educational program to suit your individual needs and goals. By some estimates, 70 percent of Americans are not fully satisfied with their current jobs, and this lack of contentment impacts not only the workplace but also our personal … Continue reading Back to School; Finding Your Herbal Path

Summer Wellbeing: Summer, The Season of Becoming

Summer has arrived, filled with a joyful abundance of all the sweetest of things. It makes me want to run barefoot and wild, as I listen to the sounds of the forest: the chirping birds and crickets, the rush of leaves when a gentle breeze comes to play. I fill my lungs as long and … Continue reading Summer Wellbeing: Summer, The Season of Becoming

Thank you to my fairy godmother…. (#herbalism, #goodwitcheshomestead, #herbaljourney)

My Herbal Adventures...

Do you have a fairy godmother? Someone who appears all of a sudden over & over just when you need her most. Well I never thought a magical woman with kindness, good tidings & the wisdom of a fairy godmother would manifest in my life, but it seems one has. It is an honor to have been found and supported by this amazing woman who is a natural born herbalist and has all the knowledge and credentials to make me feel that there is not enough of my lifetime left to catch up to her wisdom. Yet, she has chosen to be a guide, an advocate & a friend to me from miles and miles away. I have never met her face to face, but hopefully someday I can. Luckily, the internet and its ways of connecting us through the various social media outlets, especially blogging, have led me to…

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