Natural Perfumery Course

Blending your own botanical perfume is a delightful, time-tested way to infuse both your home and your body with the plants you connect with most. A true breath of fresh air, the Natural Perfumery Course will empower you to form a new type of relationship with plants—a relationship that lets the plants speak for themselves … Continue reading Natural Perfumery Course

The Making Of A Herbalist

"I encourage everybody to make a little jar of something yourself because you will feel so good about doing it." It's the way it's supposed to be. I believe we are meant to make and grow our own food, make our own medicine and nourish ourselves with what we have around us. It's so much … Continue reading The Making Of A Herbalist

Why the Herbal Academy?

The Herbal Academy is one of the key players and global leaders in creating a bridge from once-forgotten and sometimes misunderstood ancient herbal practices to the burgeoning community of people who are now seeking an alternative for supporting wellness. Their student body of over 40,000 speaks to that! In fact, they were one of the … Continue reading Why the Herbal Academy?


January is here with its fresh start, and we are enjoying our snowy Utah landscape, cozy fires and turning inward. This time of year is about resetting, refreshing, finding balance and focusing on self-care and the care of loved ones. This is a wonderful time to start new healthy habits that can stay with you … Continue reading WHAT ARE HERBAL TINCTURES?

Concentrated Herbal Liquid Extracts (#herbs, #preventativehealth, #wellness, #bodybalance)…….

And may I add, she is my “go-to” tincture lady. I have purchased and used many of Anne’s herbal tincture’s, absolutely wonderful. You really should pay her a visit.

My Herbal Adventures...

The quote you see below is by the Herbal Academy online; which is the herbal school I have studied at. It really sums up my philosophy of how herbs should be used:

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Part of my herbal go-to supply for health promotion & immunity boosting is incorporating a variety of 4-6 herbal tinctures/day into my wellness routine. You can take less or more, but it’s one of the best “supplements” you can take. Crafted at peek season for a quality, small batch affect & taste. Oh, and just like other supplements, they don’t always taste the best, but we can use or mix them with glycerites to bring some sweetness or a tea/juice that disguises the flavor more.

I’ve read over & over that the MAIN benefit of tinctures & glycerites made from fresh herbs is the quality & concentration of the product for our body. Tea loses potency after drying…

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The Dance at Earthbone Forest

The History of Herbal Medicine and Essential Oils The history of essential oils is intertwined with the history of herbal medicine, which in turn has been an integral part of magical practices. Herbal medicine has been used for more than treating minor ailments and disease; it has been instrumental in providing life-enhancing benefits. In most … Continue reading The Dance at Earthbone Forest

Bobinsana~ From Help Healing Grief, Heartbreak and Pain to Shamanic Lucid Dreaming

by Aaron Weis | May 18, 2017 A relative of the mimosa tree, Bobinsana (Calliandra Angustifolia) is a water loving plant that belongs to the Pea family (Leguminosae). It grows around 4-6 meters high and is usually found alongside, rivers, streams, and bodies of water in the Amazon basin. It is found in regions of Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Brazil … Continue reading Bobinsana~ From Help Healing Grief, Heartbreak and Pain to Shamanic Lucid Dreaming

Modern Herbal Smoking Blends

There’s something fascinating about the alchemy of herbs and smoke. Part of it is visual. We can see the plants undergoing a violent physical change as they are transformed into smoke and ash. It’s also something that we can experience as we breathe in. The smoke has a taste and a texture, and it resonates … Continue reading Modern Herbal Smoking Blends


The process by which one medium is encouraged to permeate another, usually herbs in water or oil. The most famous infusion of all is your basic cup of tea and if you can make a cup of tea with leaves rather than a tea bag, then you already know a good deal about making an … Continue reading Infusion

Our Herbal Grimorie

Agrimony * Agrimony for matrimony, perfect herb for the -couple- soon to Handfast. Place a red sachet fill with Agrimony and place between the mattress of lovers to ensure a long relationship/marriage. Agrimony belongs to the element Air, also used for protection spells. Agrimony has also long been used to reverse spells sent against the … Continue reading Our Herbal Grimorie