
COMMON NAME:  iris GENUS:  Iris SPECIES, HYBRIDS, CULTIVARS: There are over 200 known species of iris. Some of the most popular garden irises include {in order of succession of bloom}:  I. reticulata, Dutch, dwarf bearded, Siberian, Spuria, Louisiana, Japanese. FAMILY:  Iridaceae BLOOMS:  spring-summer TYPE:  perennial DESCRIPTION:  The bearded irises are composed of standards {petals that … Continue reading Iris

Orris Root

Iris pallida Also, Known As Dalmatian Iris Orris Root Sweet Iris The term orris root is used to denote the roots of a number of species, including Iris germanica, Iris pallida and Iris florentina. They have a very sweet fragrance, which is more distinct in some bearded irises compared to others. The aroma of the … Continue reading Orris Root

Japanese Irises

Unlike any other iris variety, the Japanese irises have attained a cult status, especially in Japan. Initially, it was an ordinary iris species with a preference for water; the Japanese iris has been bred extensively during the last 500 years with a view to developing flowers that are spectacular, as in the instance of Higo … Continue reading Japanese Irises

Blue Flag.

Iris versicolor Also, Known As: Blue Flag Blue Iris Flag Lily Fleur-de-lis Flower-de-luce Iris Liver Lily Poison Flag Snake Lily Water Flag Wild Iris Blue flag (botanical name, Iris versicolor) is also known as wild iris and it prevails nearly all over the West. The appearance of the blue flag is similar to that of … Continue reading Blue Flag.