New Moon in Pisces…

Today at 8:04 am PST (11:04 am EST) we have a New Moon in Pisces. Grandmother Moon moved into the sign of Pisces this morning at 12:11 am PST (3:11 am EST).  Pisces Moon energy is fruitful, feminine, cool and moist. This is the last New Moon of the Astrological Year ~ the New Year for Astrology … Continue reading New Moon in Pisces…


Diamonds are the birthstone for the month of April. To celebrate these dazzling gemstones, we’ve rounded up fifteen interesting facts and bits of lore about diamonds’ origins and history: 1 The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that diamonds were tears cried by the gods or splinters from falling stars, and Romans believed that Cupid’s arrows … Continue reading 15 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT DIAMONDS


The diamond symbolizes wisdom and enlightenment, purity and clarity. It provides protection, preserves peace and gives power. In India the diamond, the “invincible stone” was considered the stone of virtue and justice. The ruler administered justice while holding a diamond. The diamonds have been called kings of all crystals, stones of the mind and gemstones … Continue reading THE KING OF ALL STONES: DIAMOND

The Meaning and History of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is the birthstone for the month of March. The seawater color of aquamarine has given this gemstone its name as the name “aquamarine” is derived from the Latin word for seawater. The specific term “aquamarine” was apparently used in an important gemological work by Anselmus de Boodt in his Gemmarum et Lapidum Historiia,” published … Continue reading The Meaning and History of Aquamarine

Gemstones Are Naturally Healing and Energizing

Did you know that gemstones have the ability when used properly to energize your body, heal cuts, bruises, surgery, breaks, etc? Crystals have been used by Eastern Cultures, Native Americans, and many other cultures for thousands of years. Some of these uses are as follows: • Have quartz crystals set around your home to help … Continue reading Gemstones Are Naturally Healing and Energizing

Gem Jewelry…

Gemstones are a great way to help me relax, gain focus, and ground myself. No better surprise than to find the gemstone you slipped into your pocket as a little good luck charm when your eyes were barely open at six AM, giving you that afternoon boost you need! Gemstones are special because they each … Continue reading Gem Jewelry…