Making Homemade Herbal Lozenges with Linden

Stand beneath a blooming linden tree, and chances are you will slowly become aware of an almost unbelievable event taking place. The tree will be so alive with the hum and buzz of happy honeybees so absorbed in their harvest, they may very well bounce right off of you! An 80-year-old tree near my home presents a … Continue reading Making Homemade Herbal Lozenges with Linden

Medicinal Trees: Linden

Tilia americana or Tilia Europea or Tilia cordata Also, Known As: American Basswood American Linden Basswood Bast Tree Common Lime Limeblossom Lime Flowers Lime Tree Linden Linden Flower Spoonwood Wycopy Linden is a tree belonging to different species of the genus Tilia, also known as lime or basswood tree. This herb has been used in … Continue reading Medicinal Trees: Linden