Foxglove: Digitalis and the Faery Realm | Coby Michael Ward

Foxglove, Sentinel of the Faery Realm The Queen of Elphame, the Faery Queen is an important figure in traditional witchcraft. With her consort the King of Elphame they rule over the People of Goda as they are known in the initiatory tradition based on the teachings of Robert Cochrane, the Clan of Tubal Cain. Foxglove or Digitalis purpurea, one … Continue reading Foxglove: Digitalis and the Faery Realm | Coby Michael Ward

Fairy Lore and the Plant Kingdom | Coby Michael Ward

  Plant lore and fairy lore are often intimately connected. The magical provenance of many plants is due to their folkloric association with the fairy realm. Fairies were thought to make their homes in certain plants and were believed to be responsible for tending to their growth. They have also been said to guide the … Continue reading Fairy Lore and the Plant Kingdom | Coby Michael Ward

April Birthstones | Diamond Birthstone Meaning & History | GIA

  Sparkling with an internal fire all its own, diamond is one of the world’s most sought-after and adored gemstones. Those born in April are lucky enough to call this scintillating gem their birthstone, a symbol of clarity and strength. Diamond is so strong, in fact, that its name comes from the Greek word "adamas," which … Continue reading April Birthstones | Diamond Birthstone Meaning & History | GIA

Sunflower Lore

COMMON NAME: sunflower GENUS: Helianthus SPECIES: H. annuus-grown for seed and flower FAMILY: Compositae BLOOMS: summer TYPE: annual DESCRIPTION: Characterized by its height and size of the flower, the sunflower has earned a welcome place in the summer garden. Many varieties on the market now offer diversity in color {even a white sunflower!}, size of the flower, and plant … Continue reading Sunflower Lore

The Enchanting Hellebore

Latin Name Pronunciation: hel-eh-bor'us These evergreen plants bring an architectural quality to the shady garden. Most bloom in early winter in mild climates and in late winter or very early spring where the ground freezes hard. Resistant to both deer and voles, they are long-lived and provide exquisite blooms at a time when flowers are a scarce delight. … Continue reading The Enchanting Hellebore

Honeysuckle Lore

Whenever we hear the word honeysuckle we naturally think of a lovely fragrant vine, with flowers of white, yellow, pink to purple, or scarlet hue. The early name of this plant was "Woodbine," and this is still used in some localities. Honeysuckle, native to the Northern Hemisphere, grows in Europe, Asia, and North America; it … Continue reading Honeysuckle Lore

Lily Lore

COMMON NAME:  lily GENUS:  Lilium SPECIES, HYBRIDS, CULTIVARS: Many of the 200 species of lilies are native to the United States. Plant breeders have done extensive hybridization work on the lilies to make them hardy and free flowering. Lilies are now available in every color except blue. FAMILY:  Liliaceae BLOOMS:  late spring TYPE:  perennial DESCRIPTION: … Continue reading Lily Lore

The Blood Energizer Stone: Bloodstone

The combined colors of bloodstone allow it to function at the levels of the base and heart chakras. It encourages a balance of energy; practicality with the desire to grow; calming strong emotions, and is both stimulating and motivating. Bloodstone is also known as heliotrope and has a long tradition of magical use. A variety … Continue reading The Blood Energizer Stone: Bloodstone

Crocus Lore

COMMON NAME:  Crocus GENUS:  Crocus Species, Hybrids, Cultivars: Blue; C. biflorus, C. imperati, C. siebert, C. tomasinianus, C. versicolor; yellow: C. aureus, C. chrysanthus, C. korolkowii, C. sulphureus concolor, C. susianus; white: C. fleischeri, C. laevigatus, C. speciosus {fall}. Dutch crocus cultivars-blue: Enchantress, Pickwick, Queen of the Blues, Remembrance, Striped Beauty; white: Jeanne d'Arc, Peter … Continue reading Crocus Lore

Herb Lore: (Herbalism)

Hippocrates - " Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” For the purpose of this article, herbs are loosely referred to as the category of edible plants which can also be used for Medicinal, Spiritual or Magical purposes. It seems that on every part of the globe where humans have lived, there … Continue reading Herb Lore: (Herbalism)