Essential Oils and Flower Essences

Essential oils and flower essences bestow a concentrated dose of plant energy. In most cases, however, you may want to work with the whole plant. You may find that if you wish to work with a particular plant, you're obligated to grow it yourself. This may be for a variety of reasons. * Some plants … Continue reading Essential Oils and Flower Essences

Magical Properties of Stones and Crystals

A small grouping to give you ideas for wand points. Some of the massive stones (as distinct from crystals) can be found cut and polished into points. They are sometimes made into massage wands, which are usually a bit too large for use as a wand point. The principal crystals used as points are Amethyst, … Continue reading Magical Properties of Stones and Crystals

Dryads, Trees & the Fifth Element

The dryad is the spirit of the tree, its essential pattern. It is a living being linked to the tree and growing with it, but at the same time, it is a trans-temporal and trans-spacial creature, living in the Astral dimension as much as in the mundane world. When a branch falls off a tree … Continue reading Dryads, Trees & the Fifth Element