Snake Medicine

If animals are living symbols of the cosmic design, snake, with its exclamation point body is the very image of a symbol.  She is a gliding hieroglyph speaking volumes to the psyche about our most primal abilities to heal and renew.Her energy is the cosmic declaration of, ‘Yes, I will survive!’ and it is, for this … Continue reading Snake Medicine

Scorpion Medicine

Lady Stearn Robinson & Tom Gorbett/The Dreamer's Dictionary: This poisonous spider in your dream is a warning of danger from treacherous friends or associates, especially if you killed it, however, you will overcome the hostile influences if it bit you. *The Wordsworth Dictionary of Phrase and Fable: Scorpio/Scorpion--Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac, … Continue reading Scorpion Medicine

Medicine Woman ~ Otter

The medicine held by Otter is a set of lessons in female energy. This applies to both men and women, as all of us have female sides. The Otter's hide is very often used to make medicine bags for powerful women because it represents balanced female energy. Otter is very caring of its young and … Continue reading Medicine Woman ~ Otter