Six Stones for Aquarius

Using an ally, like a gemstone or crystal, is a good idea for this sign, as they are naturally empathetic to nature, and thrive best when in touch with their spirituality. Aquarius does well with stones that are light blue in color, as they are the water bearer, but can also incorporate red and yellow. … Continue reading Six Stones for Aquarius


Your child's surrounding is vital to their healthy development and we must strive to make them as stimulating as possible. It is a common mistake to cram your child’s bedroom with bright toys and noisy activities. Everyone needs a chance to relax, and children, especially, need plenty of rest. You must strive to provide a … Continue reading CRYSTALS FOR YOUR CHILD

7 Healing Crystals For Children

I find crystals are an effective and simple way to help them overcome obstacles. I was recently asked what crystals were not only safe for children but would help them in their daily lives, so the following guide is an introduction to some useful healing crystals for children: Amethyst - is a calming crystal that … Continue reading 7 Healing Crystals For Children

Gem Jewelry…

Gemstones are a great way to help me relax, gain focus, and ground myself. No better surprise than to find the gemstone you slipped into your pocket as a little good luck charm when your eyes were barely open at six AM, giving you that afternoon boost you need! Gemstones are special because they each … Continue reading Gem Jewelry…

How To Use Crystals With Children

Your child's surrounding is vital to their healthy development and we must strive to make them as stimulating as possible. It is a common mistake to cram your child’s bedroom with bright toys and noisy activities. Everyone needs a chance to relax, and children, especially, need plenty of rest. You must strive to provide a … Continue reading How To Use Crystals With Children


The solstice is the longest day of the year, where the sun will appear to stand still in the sky as it reaches its highest point. The word solstice is derived from the Latin word solstitium, containing sol meaning “the sun” and sistere meaning “to come to a stop and make stand still.” The summer solstice is a time to celebrate the light within … Continue reading SUMMER SOLSTICE RITUAL WITH CRYSTALS

The Stone of Emotional Balance: Moonstone

Moonstone represents the great Mother Goddess. Her strength lies in her gentleness, and her ability to experience process, and neutralize her feelings. Moonstone is one of the most mythical of all gemstones. With its exotic, lunar name and its milky unique rainbow sheen, moonstone is highly prized by many practitioners of crystal and stone healing, … Continue reading The Stone of Emotional Balance: Moonstone

Magical Properties of Stones and Crystals

A small grouping to give you ideas for wand points. Some of the massive stones (as distinct from crystals) can be found cut and polished into points. They are sometimes made into massage wands, which are usually a bit too large for use as a wand point. The principal crystals used as points are Amethyst, … Continue reading Magical Properties of Stones and Crystals

Moonstone ~ Alternate June Stone

Moonstone Healing Properties ♥ Happiness ♥ Good fortune ♥ Nurturing ♥ Mothering ♥ Unselfishness ♥ Humanitarian ♥ Love ♥ Hope ♥ Spiritual insight ♥ Easy childbirth ♥ Safe travel ♥ New beginnings ♥ Abundance ♥ Ancient wisdom Moonstone is composed of Orthoclase and Albite, two species from the Feldspar group.  Rainbow Moonstone is a name … Continue reading Moonstone ~ Alternate June Stone