Natural Herbal Cough Remedies

When the temperatures drop to freezing, persistent coughing can be an inevitable, disruptive side effect. A variety of herbs and herb formulas that suppress the hacking and soothe the throat can help you get ahead of the cold - and cough - season this year. 'Tis the season! Cold, dry temperatures, low vitamin D levels, … Continue reading Natural Herbal Cough Remedies

Summer Wellbeing: Summer, The Season of Becoming

Summer has arrived, filled with a joyful abundance of all the sweetest of things. It makes me want to run barefoot and wild, as I listen to the sounds of the forest: the chirping birds and crickets, the rush of leaves when a gentle breeze comes to play. I fill my lungs as long and … Continue reading Summer Wellbeing: Summer, The Season of Becoming

How to Make Natural DIY Cleaning Products

We all know that many conventional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both our bodies and the planet (not to mention the budget-busting expense and all the waste produced by those empty plastic bottles and extra packaging!). We’ve been creating our own cleaning formulas for years, and we love how easy and inexpensive … Continue reading How to Make Natural DIY Cleaning Products


Diamonds are the birthstone for the month of April. To celebrate these dazzling gemstones, we’ve rounded up fifteen interesting facts and bits of lore about diamonds’ origins and history: 1 The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that diamonds were tears cried by the gods or splinters from falling stars, and Romans believed that Cupid’s arrows … Continue reading 15 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT DIAMONDS

Crystal Chakra Association

Natural rocks, crystals, and gemstones are often used in context with energetic types of healing. The stones interact with our energetic body by reacting to the electricity that we produce. Their own energy responds by harmonizing and balancing our energetic field. There have long been associations with the chakras and stones for this very reason. … Continue reading Crystal Chakra Association

Gemstones Are Naturally Healing and Energizing

Did you know that gemstones have the ability when used properly to energize your body, heal cuts, bruises, surgery, breaks, etc? Crystals have been used by Eastern Cultures, Native Americans, and many other cultures for thousands of years. Some of these uses are as follows: • Have quartz crystals set around your home to help … Continue reading Gemstones Are Naturally Healing and Energizing

Crystals – Nature’s Natural Sleep Remedy – Crystals By Nature

For as long as I can remember, I have had difficulties with sleep, and as I grow older, these difficulties have only gotten worse. I am constantly trying new ways to trick my body into rest: aromatherapy, hot baths, orange glasses to block blue light, etc. All have worked to varying degrees but none have … Continue reading Crystals – Nature’s Natural Sleep Remedy – Crystals By Nature