How to Process Rose Hips for Your Apothecary – Floranella

If you’re gathering wild rose hips, just about any species will do, but the rugosa roses will be much easier to work with. Their hips are much larger than most of the other species and with something like rose hips, the more usable fruit you can get for your time, the better. Rose hips take a while … Continue reading How to Process Rose Hips for Your Apothecary – Floranella

Gentle Detox Herbal Tea

As our bodies experience the transition from winter to spring — and the promise of rejuvenation and new life comes forth — ease the seasonal shift with this Floral Spring Cleansing Tonic. Gently Detox. Shed the woes of winter. Awaken to the joys of Spring. A Floral Spring Cleansing Herbal Tea Ingredients *Use organically-grown and/or … Continue reading Gentle Detox Herbal Tea

Rose Petal Infused Honey

We make gallons and gallons of rose and lavender infused honey to use as face masks. We use raw honey from our local beekeeper. You can use this honey for your own face masks or add it to a bath, a little in a cup of tea, or for assistance with wound healing. The rose … Continue reading Rose Petal Infused Honey