Discover the 2018 Imbolc Sabbat Box • At Winter’s End

• 2018 IMBOLC SABBAT BOX • AT WINTER'S END • BOX BREAKDOWN • Hail and Welcome, Sabbat Box Members and Friends! Before you know it, the snow and ice and cold will once again give way to the green warmth of spring. The wheel of the year turns as always, the light beginning to lengthen our days since the … Continue reading Discover the 2018 Imbolc Sabbat Box • At Winter’s End

Imbolc in Dark, Cold Winter…

As the cycle of the year turns we are now at the half-way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox at the point known as Imbolc, traditionally celebrated in the early days of February. You’ve heard of groundhogs day? The legend about the groundhog looking for her shadow on February 2, is a vestige of an … Continue reading Imbolc in Dark, Cold Winter…

Tea & Bourbon Barmbrack: A Recipe to Encourage the Returning Sun – gather

Celebrate the returning light with the ancient custom of baking a ceremonial cake. Source: Tea & Bourbon Barmbrack: A Recipe to Encourage the Returning Sun – gather

The Sabbat of Ostara

The Sabbat of Ostara is upon us. March 20th marks the Spring Equinox and with it, the awakening of the Earth. There are many ways to take part in this special day. You can cleanse your home to make way for new beginnings, you can decorate your home in the colors of the season, naturally, … Continue reading The Sabbat of Ostara