Seed Savers Exchange Heirloom Seeds

Heirloom seeds from Seed Savers Exchange. Buy rare, organic seeds and support our nonprofit mission to preserve garden diversity. Free catalog. Source: Seed Savers Exchange Heirloom Seeds

Why Heirlooms Matter…

For hundreds of generations, humans all over the planet have been growing crops and saving seeds from their best plants to sow the following season. No one had a degree in horticulture, and it's safe to say the vast majority of them couldn't even read or write since most of the work was done before … Continue reading Why Heirlooms Matter…

What is an Heirloom Seed?

You can barely walk through a farmers market or produce stand without seeing signs proclaiming “heirloom vegetables for sale” — and who doesn’t want to snack on an heirloom carrot or cook with heirloom squash? The word “heirloom” pulls at our heartstrings and reminds us of simpler things and slower times. Heirloom has also become … Continue reading What is an Heirloom Seed?