Gem Jewelry…

Gemstones are a great way to help me relax, gain focus, and ground myself. No better surprise than to find the gemstone you slipped into your pocket as a little good luck charm when your eyes were barely open at six AM, giving you that afternoon boost you need! Gemstones are special because they each … Continue reading Gem Jewelry…

How to Open, Clear, and Balance the Chakras with Crystals

If you want to be healthy, happy, and spiritually connected, it all starts with your chakras and bio-energetic system. Your chakras are power points or gateways into the human energy system. They receive energy from the environment, which is circulated through the entire energy system via the meridians. The seven major chakras are located in a … Continue reading How to Open, Clear, and Balance the Chakras with Crystals

Super Seven Healing Quartz Stone

"Super seven" stone, also referred to as "Sacred seven" or "Melody stone", is a quartz stone that contains seven materials; goethite, cacoxenite, rutile, lepidocrocite, amethyst, clear quartz and smoky quartz. Super seven stone is not much to look at; in fact, it looks like a dirty quartz gem with some purple amethyst zoning. However, those who believe in the power of crystal … Continue reading Super Seven Healing Quartz Stone


Smoky quartz is a stone of quietness. It contains within its hidden interior the seeds of change and of new beginnings and the potential for creativity. Smoky quartz has a gentle focusing and grounding energy. Whereas clear quartz enlivens and radiates light energy, smoky quartz absorbs and stores all energy. This type of quartz is … Continue reading THE ROOT CHAKRA BALANCER STONE: SMOKY QUARTZ

Magical Properties of Stones and Crystals

A small grouping to give you ideas for wand points. Some of the massive stones (as distinct from crystals) can be found cut and polished into points. They are sometimes made into massage wands, which are usually a bit too large for use as a wand point. The principal crystals used as points are Amethyst, … Continue reading Magical Properties of Stones and Crystals