Spiced Golden Rice Pudding For The Goddesses of Spring – Gather Victoria

In a culinary fusion of western and eastern goddess traditions, this Golden Rice Pudding is made with primrose infused cream and spiced with saffron, cardamom, orange zest and a touch of candied ginger. It is my offering to the Hindu Goddess Saraswati, Goddess of Wisdom, Learning and Art and Brigid the Celtic Goddess of Illumination, Inspiration and Poetry. … Continue reading Spiced Golden Rice Pudding For The Goddesses of Spring – Gather Victoria

Wild Spring Greens: A Superfood Recipe Round-up! – Gather Victoria

Today there is a huge demand for antiviral and immune-supportive herbs amid growing concern over COVID-19. Many are sold right out as herbalists scramble to get packages out. But don’t worry – I’ve got good news – the wild spring greens are here! Jam-packed with “nutraceuticals” known to have antiviral, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, immune supportive and … Continue reading Wild Spring Greens: A Superfood Recipe Round-up! – Gather Victoria

Spring Aromatherapy: Essential Oils for the Season of “Wood”

Classical Chinese Medicine recognizes five steps in the transformation of matter (Yin) into energy (Yang) and energy back into matter. Yin and Yang are primordial forces that together form the basis of everything that exists and their ceaseless transformation from one into the other is what creates and destroys everything around us, including our health. … Continue reading Spring Aromatherapy: Essential Oils for the Season of “Wood”

The Enchanting Hellebore

Latin Name Pronunciation: hel-eh-bor'us These evergreen plants bring an architectural quality to the shady garden. Most bloom in early winter in mild climates and in late winter or very early spring where the ground freezes hard. Resistant to both deer and voles, they are long-lived and provide exquisite blooms at a time when flowers are a scarce delight. … Continue reading The Enchanting Hellebore

The God In The Wild Wood

Cernnunos Sleeps The Old God sleeps down in the dark, moist, odorous underfoot, Waiting for us To put down our roots. The God In The Wild Wood At the Sacred Centre, in the Grove of all Worlds, He sits with legs crossed beneath an ancient Oak. Entranced, connecting the three worlds Earth, Sea, and Sky, and … Continue reading The God In The Wild Wood

Spring Greens and Spring Awakening

Spring has arrived in our mountain forest. The emergence from the long cold nights of winter gives way to spring and the eternal reminder of rebirth and renewal. Dandelion flowers are everywhere, basking in the warming of the earth, opening to the sun. I’ve been gathering the young leaves for cooking and adding to smoothies. … Continue reading Spring Greens and Spring Awakening

Happy Spring

Plants are expressing their life force as they emerge from the soil to meet the light. Aphrodisiac Honey - to give you Spring Fever! Honey - 1 quart, local raw wildflower or buckwheat honey Red Roses - 1/2 cup Orange blossoms - 1/2 cup Blood Orange peels - 1/4 cup Tangerine peels - 1/4 cup Vanilla … Continue reading Happy Spring

Dandelion, A Common Spring Garden Herb

Taraxacum officinale Also, Known As: Blow Ball Cankerwort Dandelion Lion's Tooth Pissabed Priest's-crown Puff Ball Pu Gong Ying Pu-kung-ying Swine Snout Telltime White Endive Wild Endive The dandelion is a common garden herb, with easily recognized flowers. During the spring season, the leaves and the root of the dandelion begin to produce mannitol, which is … Continue reading Dandelion, A Common Spring Garden Herb

Spring Herb: Sweet Woodruff {Asperula odorata / Galium odoratum}

Also, Known As: Master of the Woods Sweet Woodruff Waldmeister Woodruff Woodward Sweet woodruff (botanical name Asperula odorata) is a perennially growing plant that spreads into clumps reaching a maximum height of 8 inches to 15 inches (20 cm to 38 cm). The flowers produced by sweet woodruff have a sweet hay aroma, which enhances as … Continue reading Spring Herb: Sweet Woodruff {Asperula odorata / Galium odoratum}

Aromatic Herb for March; Spring Herb: Cicely {Myrrhis odorata}

Also, Known As: Anise Fern British Myrrh Cicely Cow Chervil Garden Myrrh Shepherd's Needle Smooth Cicely Sweet Bracken Sweet Chervil Sweet Cicely Sweet Myrrh The plant called the sweet cicely is a hardy and robust herb. The cicely is an aromatic perennial herb indigenous to the mountainous areas of Europe and Asian Russia - growing … Continue reading Aromatic Herb for March; Spring Herb: Cicely {Myrrhis odorata}