NEW CRESCENT MOON IN ARIES We have passed through the Dark Moon in Aries into the New Crescent Moon today. We passed through the Spring Equinox last week, which is the official start of the lunar year, and have moved into the New Moon in Aries which is the official start to the lunar year. … Continue reading THE COURAGE TO TRUST YOUR INNER WISDOM

The Energies of March 2020

The cosmic line up for March promises an energetically full month with a positive focus on continuous transformation and the testing of old structures that will not be fit for purpose going forward. This process might feel intense at times so keep in mind that the intention behind the energy flow is one of ‘making … Continue reading The Energies of March 2020

Spring Cleaning! The Magical Besom – Gather Victoria

Happy Spring Equinox!  Blue skies and blossoms, what a day to welcome the official coming of spring! Spring cleaning is a ritual deeply rooted in the lore of the Vernal Equinox, a time to purify the home of stagnant energies and prepare it for the vitalizing energy of spring and summer. And no spring cleaning … Continue reading Spring Cleaning! The Magical Besom – Gather Victoria

Ostara Mini Wildflower Bouquets (Spring Equinox Craft) – Moody Moons

Keep it simple, natural and beautiful this Ostara with these pixie-like mini wildflower bouquets. In this article, you’ll learn how … More Source: Ostara Mini Wildflower Bouquets (Spring Equinox Craft) - Moody Moons

Ice Ritual for Ostara

Spring Equinox Rituals: Rituals of Looking Back and Looking Forward

The Druid's Garden

Sometimes, when we are hiking on a trail, we are in a hurry to get somewhere–that far off vantage point, that mile marker on the map, or just seeing what is over the next horizon. I remember hiking with some friends who regularly backpacked; they were so intent on speeding through the woods to their goal and putting the miles behind them that they  left me behind at multiple points as I got off the trail to explore something. This “speeding towards a goal” is, perhaps, part of who we are as humans, and certainly, a product of Western Civilization, which is so growth and progress oriented.  Even with our spiritual practice, we can be so intent on focusing on a goal (that next grade or degree, for example) that we forget about the journey itself.  On this trail, the day I took this photo, my intuition told me to…

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Nettle & Wild Onion Rice Balls: Savouring Spring! – gather

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a foraging favourite, so it doesn’t need much of an introduction. I probably don’t need to tell you that it has been a beloved spring tonic since time immem… Source: Nettle & Wild Onion Rice Balls: Savouring Spring! – gather

Imbolc in Dark, Cold Winter…

As the cycle of the year turns we are now at the half-way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox at the point known as Imbolc, traditionally celebrated in the early days of February. You’ve heard of groundhogs day? The legend about the groundhog looking for her shadow on February 2, is a vestige of an … Continue reading Imbolc in Dark, Cold Winter…

Beltane Celebrations

Near the end of April and beginning of May, halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, you will find the Sabbat of Beltane. The Earth has awoken and is bringing forth new life and new growth to abound. Depending on your tradition, there are a number of ways you can celebrate this Sabbat: … Continue reading Beltane Celebrations


Also, known as Spring Equinox, Ostara, Alban Eiler, Esther, Eostre, Ostarun, Eastre, Eoastrae, Oestre The first true day of Springtide. The days and nights are now equal in length as the Young God continues to mature and grow. We begin to see shoots of new growth and swelling buds on the trees. Energy is building as … Continue reading Ostara