Summer Wellbeing: Summer, The Season of Becoming

Summer has arrived, filled with a joyful abundance of all the sweetest of things. It makes me want to run barefoot and wild, as I listen to the sounds of the forest: the chirping birds and crickets, the rush of leaves when a gentle breeze comes to play. I fill my lungs as long and … Continue reading Summer Wellbeing: Summer, The Season of Becoming

A Midsummer’s Celebration (Litha)

by Mike Nichols The young maid stole through the cottage door, And blushed as she sought the Plant of pow’r;– ‘Thou silver glow-worm, O lend me thy light, I must gather the mystic St. John’s wort tonight, The wonderful herb, whose leaf will decide If the coming year shall make me a bride. In addition … Continue reading A Midsummer’s Celebration (Litha)

Fire Cider Is Like Liquid Summer Warmth For The Darkness Of Winter

Revised 06/04/2018...For Our Southern Hemisphere Freinds. With fall upon us, we all feel the pull to visit our local farmers and collect the bounty of the fields! One way to preserve some of our most powerful immune-enhancing foods is too steep them in raw apple cider vinegar. The health benefits of raw apple cider vinegar are many. … Continue reading Fire Cider Is Like Liquid Summer Warmth For The Darkness Of Winter

Nasturtium 101

COMMON NAME:  nasturtium GENUS: Tropaeolum SPECIES: T.major; T. minor FAMILY: Tropaeolaceae BLOOMS: summer TYPE: annual DESCRIPTION:  Very colorful, five-petaled blossoms grow on short or trailing plants. The leaves are round and attractive. Blossom colors include red, pink, and yellow and hues in between. CULTIVATION:  Nasturtiums are very adaptable and can grow in poor soils and … Continue reading Nasturtium 101