The Energies of June 2020

The energies of June have a flow and depth to them that will take us deep inside ourselves to reflect, integrate and realign. This is powerful, highly transformational energy containing huge potential for positive change and spiritual upliftment. By the third week in June we will have a total of six retrograde planets, including Mercury, … Continue reading The Energies of June 2020

Summer Solstice Celebration Oil – Wylde and Green

The Summer Solstice, or Litha as it is known in the old Celtic calendar, is only a few days away now. The single day of the year of the when the light lasts longest and I want to put it in my pocke… Source: Summer Solstice Celebration Oil – Wylde and Green

A Midsummer’s Celebration (Litha)

by Mike Nichols The young maid stole through the cottage door, And blushed as she sought the Plant of pow’r;– ‘Thou silver glow-worm, O lend me thy light, I must gather the mystic St. John’s wort tonight, The wonderful herb, whose leaf will decide If the coming year shall make me a bride. In addition … Continue reading A Midsummer’s Celebration (Litha)

The Longest Day {June 21st, 2017}

June 21st Also was known as Litha, Feill-Sheathain, Jani, Alban Hefin, Juhannus, Midsommarafton, Saint John's Eve. "Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." -- Maori proverb The Longest Day The day of the Summer Solstice marks the longest hours of daylight for that year. It is the polarized opposite of … Continue reading The Longest Day {June 21st, 2017}


The solstice is the longest day of the year, where the sun will appear to stand still in the sky as it reaches its highest point. The word solstice is derived from the Latin word solstitium, containing sol meaning “the sun” and sistere meaning “to come to a stop and make stand still.” The summer solstice is a time to celebrate the light within … Continue reading SUMMER SOLSTICE RITUAL WITH CRYSTALS

Summer Solstice: A Time For Reflection and New Beginnings

The summer solstice celebrates the power of the sun on Mother Earth and her people. It is the longest day and shortest night of the year. The summer solstice marks the beginning of summer and a time for self-reflection. It is an opportunity to get rid of old patterns that are no longer of use … Continue reading Summer Solstice: A Time For Reflection and New Beginnings

June, The Beginnings Of Summer

Yes, we all know of the Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, and the myriad of other names. It is also the start of Summer. Summer Solstice falls at the precise moment when the Sun's power is at its zenith. It is the time of year when the noon sun appears to be farthest north from the … Continue reading June, The Beginnings Of Summer

Beltane Celebrations

Near the end of April and beginning of May, halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, you will find the Sabbat of Beltane. The Earth has awoken and is bringing forth new life and new growth to abound. Depending on your tradition, there are a number of ways you can celebrate this Sabbat: … Continue reading Beltane Celebrations