Lift Your Personal Power, Health, and Success with Herbs of the Sun | Guest Contributor

Herbs of the Sun: angelica, ash, bay, calendula, chamomile, celandine, eyebright, frankincense, juniper, mistletoe, rosemary, saffron, safflower, Saint-John’swort, sunflower, tormentilla, walnuts THEIR PROPERTIES: Colors: gold, orange Energies: self-confidence, success, vitality, courage, authority, dignity, fame, self-knowledge Number: 1 Metal: gold Stones/materials: diamond, citrine, yellow jasper, topaz Deities: Ra, Apollo, Helios, Lugh, Isis, Diana, Brigit In Astrology, … Continue reading Lift Your Personal Power, Health, and Success with Herbs of the Sun | Guest Contributor

Sun Magic: Sunrise and Sunset Spells | sun magic; sun rise and sunset spells

Sun phases for magic And just like the moon, the sun has phases that can be used to tie in with your magical workings to add an extra boost of power.  The sun measures time, where it sits in the sky denotes what time of the day it is, and a sundial would be quite … Continue reading Sun Magic: Sunrise and Sunset Spells | sun magic; sun rise and sunset spells

Breathing In the Light~Full Moon in Aquarius

Today, Thursday, August 15th @ 5:29 am PST (8:29 am EST) we have a Full Moon in Aquarius. A Moon in Aquarius calls us to dream, to feel her inspiration and become deeply aware that what affects one, affects us all. Aquarius is known as the Water Bearer, to bring forth the waters of wisdom ~ … Continue reading Breathing In the Light~Full Moon in Aquarius

Sunflower Lore

COMMON NAME: sunflower GENUS: Helianthus SPECIES: H. annuus-grown for seed and flower FAMILY: Compositae BLOOMS: summer TYPE: annual DESCRIPTION: Characterized by its height and size of the flower, the sunflower has earned a welcome place in the summer garden. Many varieties on the market now offer diversity in color {even a white sunflower!}, size of the flower, and plant … Continue reading Sunflower Lore

Sun Moves Into Scorpio: October 24, 2017

This week brings some shifts in energies as the Sun moves into Scorpio, beginning the Scorpio season of darkness, myth and magic.  With the mind already processing the inner workings of the psyche now that Mercury is in Scorpio, and Jupiter’s entry into Scorpio squeezes out the nasty secrets in the entertainment business as well … Continue reading Sun Moves Into Scorpio: October 24, 2017

The Sabbat Festival of Mabon

Mabon – The Fire Festival Date: Fall Equinox Important Elements: Bringing in the last harvest, honoring the dead, the production of wine, preparing for winter Related Holiday(s): Alban Elfed, Meán Fómhair Colors: Brown, Green, Orange, Russet, Indigo, Gold Symbols: Autumn Flowers, fallen leaves, acorns, corn, wheat sheaves, Owl, Salmon Related Deities: Mabon, Holly King What Is … Continue reading The Sabbat Festival of Mabon


The Seventh Sabbat of the Wheel is Lughnasadh. Lughnasadh is celebrated on August 1 and is the festival celebrating the Celtic God Lugh, a solar deity. It is also considered the first, or grain, harvest. This Sabbat celebrates the harvesting of the grain, and it is through this harvest that the God is sacrificed to give … Continue reading LUGHNASADH MEDITATION

Intentions During The New Moon & What It Means When Your Birthday Falls On The New Moon Or Full Moon

The new moon is an astrological occurrence that happens once every month. During the cycle of the new moon, we use this powerful time to add force to what we desire in our lives. Through the brilliance of astrologer, Jan Spiller, and her book, New Moon Astrology: Using New Moon Power Days to Change and Revitalize … Continue reading Intentions During The New Moon & What It Means When Your Birthday Falls On The New Moon Or Full Moon

Update: New Moon 7/23/2017

NEW MOON IS SUNDAY, JULY 23 AT 3:46 AM MOUNTAIN DAYLIGHT TIME (MDT). A good time to reflect on balance, your body, what has happened or is happening in your life and get as neutral as you can about it all. This is a day that you could either feel greatly empowered (and should) or … Continue reading Update: New Moon 7/23/2017

The Longest Day {June 21st, 2017}

June 21st Also was known as Litha, Feill-Sheathain, Jani, Alban Hefin, Juhannus, Midsommarafton, Saint John's Eve. "Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." -- Maori proverb The Longest Day The day of the Summer Solstice marks the longest hours of daylight for that year. It is the polarized opposite of … Continue reading The Longest Day {June 21st, 2017}