Spring Aromatherapy: Essential Oils for the Season of “Wood”

Classical Chinese Medicine recognizes five steps in the transformation of matter (Yin) into energy (Yang) and energy back into matter. Yin and Yang are primordial forces that together form the basis of everything that exists and their ceaseless transformation from one into the other is what creates and destroys everything around us, including our health. … Continue reading Spring Aromatherapy: Essential Oils for the Season of “Wood”

Pendulum’s: How To Use

Pendulums are one of the easiest and quickest ways to perform divination. Pendulums have been used for centuries as means to divine the future and to find out answers to pressing questions that people would like to have answers for. Even though pendulums are easy to use in a sense, there is much more to … Continue reading Pendulum’s: How To Use

Dryads, Trees & the Fifth Element

The dryad is the spirit of the tree, its essential pattern. It is a living being linked to the tree and growing with it, but at the same time, it is a trans-temporal and trans-spacial creature, living in the Astral dimension as much as in the mundane world. When a branch falls off a tree … Continue reading Dryads, Trees & the Fifth Element

The Witches Gossip Corner ~ November 12th, 2016

Scorpio Born on November 12 Scorpios born on November 12 may come off as shy or quiet, but it is really just because they possess huge stores of internal energy which they keep to themselves and only share with those who are extremely close to them. Other than that, these Scorpios are not ones to make … Continue reading The Witches Gossip Corner ~ November 12th, 2016